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Use A Trained Eye 

To Spot Termites

Call Dayton’s for a FREE Termite Inspection

Know the Signs of Termite Damage
most impossible for homeowners to 
treat on their own and get rid of the 

problem. To the untrained eye, they Pest control researchers are Another attribute is that it reduces 

are hard to spot, and a pest profes- always looking for ways to incorpo- the amount of soil that needs to be 
sional has the training, expertise, and rate new technology for effectively removed and replaced for termite 

equipment to identify where termites treating pest problems, and Day- trenches, therefore resulting in less 
might be hiding and eliminate any ton’s is focused on providing you disturbance of your landscaping. 

infestations before major destruction with the most innovative treatments
Fewer drill holes are required, and 

of property occurs.
available. For more there is a shallower minimum treat- 
than a decade, Ter- ment depth.

midor® termiticide Did you know that each year 
has set the standard more than $5 billion dollars is spent 

of excellence for in the U.S. on termite control and 

superior perfor- repairing termite property damage? 
mance in termite Known as the “silent destroyers,” 

SPECIAL OFFER control, and a new termites eat 24 hours a day 7 days a 
product has just week. Some of their favorite entry 
been introduced
points are through cracks, expansion 
called Termidor® HE. This new joints, foam insulation below ground, 
molecular technology radically inside or between hollow brick or 

streamlines application techniques concrete blocks, and through spaces
with a unique chemis-
around plumbing 

try that helps improve Termidor
HE Treatment
pipes as narrow as ®
the dispersal of the 1/32nd of an inch!

active termite con- Why should you 

trol ingredient and use a pest control Expires: 3/31/14
creates an enhanced company to treat ter- 

protection zone.
mites? Termites are al-


Major credit cards accepted.


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