Page 124 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 124

It’s Complicated

After many years of building and renovating homes, 
Story by Karen clark 
Phototgraphy by jimmy chiarella
Shelby and Randy Trusley knew their dream house 

was a warm and welcoming Craftsman-style home.

helby and Randy Trusley Shelby and Randy were looking for a where the low sloping rooflines lend 
knew just what they wanted Craftsman-style home with farmhouse themselves to climates where there is 

this time. “We are avid lovers elements; one that fit naturally into the not a lot of snowfall. The most famous 
of houses,” says Shelby Trusley.
landscape. A Craftsman-style house is local example of this style on a grand 

“This is our fourth house to build, and usually a one-story house with a wide, scale is the grove Park Inn in Asheville, 
we’ve renovated four or five others. The deep porch. The low-pitched, gabled North Carolina.

house I wanted to go home to was the roof will typically have a wide, unen- The Trusleys’ house was in the plan- 
home of my childhood. We had horses, closed eave overhang with decorative ning stage for about a year, with the 

cats and dogs, and five acres.” That
supports. Tapered columns with stone house plans spread out on the dining 
was a farmhouse on Sanford Day Road, piers, shingled sides, and dark wood room table in their previous home. “We 

between Westland and Nubbin Ridge trim all use materials left as close as lived in those plans for six months,” 
roads, now owned by her friends Lee & possible to their natural state. Dormers says Shelby. Blackberry Farm was a de- 

Melissa Scruggs. Her husband, Randy, are wide and generally have two or sign inspiration, as was the Easthamp- 
grew up in Fountain City. The Trusleys three windows.
ton, Long Island, beach house featured 

bought a lot on Duncan Road in a hilly The earliest Craftsman homes were in the Diane Keaton/Jack Nicholson 
wooded area of West Knoxville and in Southern California, and the style movie It’s Complicated. “I just love

chose Jonathan Miller as their architect.
quickly spread to the American South,
the simplicity, and that Northeastern/

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