Page 130 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
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mented by a large heavy-glass-doored 

shower with a delightful basket-weave 
tile design on the floor. A comfortable 

master bedroom and large walk-in 
closet complete the master suite.


A second doorway off the main liv- 
ing area leads downstairs to a landing, 

where there is a pleasant half bath and 
a custom wine rack made for Randy by 

his son-in-law, Peter Hall, on the first 
Fathers’ Day after he joined the family.

Two more steps down and you are 
on a highly polished, concrete floor 

that runs throughout and has the feel 
of beautiful stone. River sand and other 
a soaking tub surrounded by marble promotes a sense of 
colors marble through the floors for a 
comfort and encourages slowing down from life’s bustle.
clean, modern effect.

You immediately notice that down- 
stairs is a modern counterpoint to the 

Craftsman-style above. The fitness This slate-floored hallway extends keep the nursery quiet and secluded will 
room is to your left, where Randy will from the front porch to the back patio make this very popular with the Trus- 

install Shelby’s barre in front of the and provides easy access to a laundry ley’s children and grandchildren.
mirrored wall. As with all mirrors in room, half bath, and the stairway to the Wanting to echo her childhood 

the house, it is framed in.
upstairs study. A pretty antique green home, Shelby used crystal doorknobs 
There is a bedroom and bathroom off breakfront provides visual interest and on the doors and classic hex tiles in 

the large main room, and patio doors convenient storage.
the bathroom here, using a delicate 
that open onto a separate patio, provid- The upstairs study is formed by an- flower pattern. The plentiful windows 

ing a completely separate entrance and other classic Craftsman touch: the wide and vintage fixtures, use of soft colors, 
self-contained living area if needed. A dormer. unlike the pairs of dormers and sense of privacy make this space 

planned addition of a paver driveway that typically appear in Cape Cod–style very cozy and serene. A unique custom 
will lead to this entrance to the house.
cottages, Craftsman dormers tend to be feature guaranteed to be popular

The large open area features Shelby wider and stand out on their own. This with grandchildren is a “secret room” 
and Randy’s IKEA kitchen, which they extends the width of the room to make accessed from a small door in one of 

put together themselves. The tile wall a perfect spot for a desk. Designed as a the two bathrooms. Randy and Shelby 
in the kitchen parallels the travertine small-group meeting and study space, plan to outfit it with plenty of things to 

stack stone fireplace at the other end of it is lined with bookshelves. Shelby
encourage imaginative play.
the room.
and Randy used to own a bookstore,
Moving back downstairs, and into 

This is another venue for cooking so there had to be plenty of room for the main living area, you are struck by 
classes, as well as the many Young Life their extensive library. From this room, the sense of intimacy and human scale 

gatherings the Trusleys host.
you have a great view of the two stone aided by the use of nine-foot ceilings, 
“It’s meant to have people in it. It’s built chimneys with their distinctive bronze creamy white colors, and a stone fire- 

around spending time with other people,” chimney caps.
place with the same marble surround 
says Atkins, “It feels like a home.”
as used in the kitchen.

Says Shelby, “My vision was that this THE FAMILY qUARTERS
A set of double-glazed doors leads to 
house would look about 90 years old,
The front, or main, staircase of the the master suite hallway. This hallway 

as if it belonged there, so that someone house is turned, forming a landing near has a private exterior entrance to the 
might drive by on Duncan Road and say, the top. This adds a sense of privacy and side of the front porch, and ends with 

“’I’ve never noticed that house before.’”
quiet to what Shelby calls the family the large, open master bath. As with the 
quarters. Nestled behind a set of French other parts of the house, the custom 

Karen Clark honed her fashion sense as a buyer at Brooks doors, the nursery has two entrances; cabinetry and detailed tile work in the 
Brothers. A regular real estate writer for Cityview, she is one from the hallway, and another into bath is pitch-perfect. The soaking tub 

also the chief information oficer of OrthoTennessee.
one of the two bedrooms. This ability to
with its marble surround is comple-

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