Page 136 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 136


by roger chandler

Choosing Safe Retirement

When deciding how to structure their retirement savings and 401(k) 

programs, employers should always take human nature into account.


ach new year, Americans The reality is that the vast majority donor. germany and Austria are two 
make all sorts of promises to of people have good intentions, but countries with similar cultures. In 

themselves for the future: “This they never stay on course and reach germany, if you would like to donate 
is the year I take my health their goals. So does this pattern have your organs when you get your driving 

seriously—lose weight—get in
any connection to the retirement crisis license or an I.D., you check the box 
shape.” “This is the year I will learn an- that we face in the united States?
saying, “I would like to donate my 

other language and be a better spouse.” Let’s look at a common, real life organs.” Not many people like check- 
“This is the year I will keep my promises decision that most adults have to make: ing boxes. It takes effort, and you

to myself.”
whether or not to become an organ
need to think about it. Twelve per-

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