Page 154 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 154

2014 Downtown Knoxville boatshow


Dear Cityview Readers,
retire is its close, easy access to plenty of restaurants, hotels, and hang-outs avail- 

boat-able lakes. Many Knoxvillians live able in the downtown area.
Welcome to the official guide to the
on the water, and even more of us take You can also check out this guide, 

4th annual Downtown Knoxville Boat advantage of the area’s gorgeous sum- which is packed with information for 
Show! We hope to see all of you at the mers to boat, swim, and enjoy the lakes boaters old and new. Looking to start a 

show this year—and we couldn’t be each year. The freedom of owning your new sport on the water? We’re giving 
more excited.
own boat means that you can be out on you the rundown on personal water- 

In the middle of the 2010 recession, a the lakes as often as you please! So hav- craft, wakeboarding, wakesurfing, and 
group of local boat dealers and business- ing boat shows is a long-time Knoxville angling. Whether you’re looking for 

es decided that the Knoxville communi- tradition, too, and one that we are proud your first boat or just updating the cur- 
ty needed a boat show that would offer to be keeping alive. By reinventing the rent model, our tips on how to protect 

competitive options and prices. Many tradition a little, we’re hoping to offer and maintain your watercraft have all 
people thought we were crazy to start a you an event that’s fun, high-energy, and the essentials you need to know. Plus, 

new event for consumers during a time a great experience!
we’ve put together a list of all the best 
when most people were closing their In the meantime, please visit our events that will be taking place on the 

purse strings, but we knew that many website at www.downtownknoxville- surface or shore of East Tennessee’s 
families dream of owning a boat—and and reserve your tickets waterways this year. You’ll also find pro- 

we wanted to make that possible for as now. In the months leading up to the files of some of the great vendors who 
many East Tennesseans as possible. This show, there will be contests, giveaways, will be present at the show.

year’s Boat Show will be the largest so dealer and manufacturer spotlights, and The 2014 Downtown Knoxville Boat 
far, and we’ll have more vendors, more more available online. You can also see Show will be an event that you defi- 

boats, and better prices than ever before.
a floor plan showing all of the dealers nitely don’t want to miss—and we’ll see 
one of the many features that makes who will be at the show to help you find you there!

Knoxville one of the best places in the the perfect boat for you and your family, Ryan Jones
country to live, raise a family, and even
as well as a listing of some of the best


more. In short, anything you need to Here are a few of the reasons:
• You can get any kind of boat that you 

have a great time on the water will be want. Dealers at the show will be offer- 
right at your fingertips.
• Customers who are able to come
ing bowriders, deck boats, pontoons, 

to the show will really get their
wakeboard / ski boats, houseboats, 
• It’s downtown. Before and after
best deal on a new boat, as well as personal watercraft, yachts, fishing 

the show, there’s tons of food and on boating-related equipment and boats, kayaks, cruisers, and more. With 
entertainment available nearby! Hav- services. With all of our boat dealers more than 35 boat dealers and manu- 

ing the show so close to areas like having their main competitors mere facturers in attendance, you’re sure to 
Market Square and gay Street gives feet away, the customer is able to find something you’ll love!

the families, groups, and individuals easily and quickly negotiate the best 
who come to the show an opportu- possible deal for themselves—with- • It’s not just about buying a boat. 

nity to add on to their experience. out having to drive all over town. All other offerings at the show include 
Head to dinner afterwards, or go and of the options will be conveniently safety and electronics seminars, dock 

see some entertainment at one of the located in one place.
builders, boat supplies, boat insur- 
many theaters and venues all within ance, boat restoration, boat hauling, 

walking distance of where the show • our goal at the show is to offer the boat brokers, boat electronics and 
will be held. For those coming from community “All That Is New in Boat- stereos installers, wakeboard and 

out of town, there are also many fine ing Each Year.” All of the latest gear watersports gear, bathing suits and 
hotels within a few blocks.
and equipment, the newest boats, board shorts, sunglasses, boat alarms, 

and the best value—all in one place!
boat trailers, boat financing, and

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