Page 186 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 186


or many brides, their 

wedding dress is the most 
important outfit they’ll ever

put on—and it’s certainly the most Remember the accessories.
photographed! But before you grab If your dress budget is supposed

your mom and your besties to go to cover all of your bridal attire, 

searching for the perfect gown, remember that a gorgeous en- 
there are a few things you should semble doesn’t end with the gown! 

keep in mind:
A veil, drop-dead gorgeous shoes, a 
statement earring or necklace, and 

Know what you’ll spend.
something to wear in your hair can 
Talk over the wedding budget
all add up to a pretty considerable 

with your honey, your parents, and sum, so don’t forget to factor them 

anyone else who might be contrib- in when you’re talking to the sales 
uting to the festivities. Be sure to attendant about your price range.

also discuss what portion of your 
resources you’re going to devote to Let the dress match the party.

the dress. Then, don’t let the oh- Are you getting married in a cathe- 

so-helpful salespeople talk you into dral—or in a barn? Is your groom 
trying on dresses that are outside of going to be wearing a tuxedo—or

your target range!
is a tuxedo t-shirt more his style? 
Whether you’re going full formal or 

backyard casual or somewhere in- 

between, be sure you choose a wed- 
ding gown that matches the overall 

feel of the event.
Don’t put down the money for your 
dress until you’re absolutely sure it’s 

the one for you. Don’t be afraid to walk 
away if you’re feeling uncertain—your 

perfect dress will be the one you can’t 

get out of your mind until you come 
back for your follow-up appointment 

next week.

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