Page 192 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
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his is the person who’s going 

to be capturing the memo- 
ries of the most important

day of your life—and you at your 
most gorgeous. ‘Nuff said.

Be sure you love their work.
When choosing a photographer

to capture your Dream Day, make 
sure your dream is compatible with 

his or her work. If you love dreamy 
pastel tones and overexposed shots, 

don’t hire someone whose portfolio 

features nothing but black-and- 
white and high-contrast snaps.

Book your must-have

photographer well in advance.
If you set your heart on a certain 

photographer and then book your 

wedding on a Saturday in June, 
chances are that he or she may 

already have a gig that weekend. So 
be sure to plan ahead and sign a con- 

tract with plenty of time to spare.

It’s the 21st century and you’ll prob- Always speak up.

ably also want to capture the Big Day If there’s a pose you’re dying to try, 
on ilm or video. Find out if your pho- or a group of relatives your wedding 

tographer has a videographer that album won’t be complete without, 

he or she has worked with in the past don’t stay silent! Try to let your 
and can recommend. Also, remember photographer know what you’re 

to factor the videographer into your looking for ahead of time, and don’t 
budget planning.
be afraid to say, “Let’s grab this one 

last shot, too.”

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