Page 196 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 196

Bridgewater Place


n September of 2013, Bridge- lighting make the Assembly Hall the 
water Place opened its doors most sought after for any wedding 

as one of the most flexible and
plan. The room can also be used for 

finely equipped event locations in formal dining, seating 135 comfort- 
Knoxville. Located conveniently
ably. A full audio-visual set-up is 

off of Interstate I-40, the grounds
available, along with plasma TVs for 
of Bridgewater Place lay among the presentations or videos.

palatial rolling hills of the bustling A short walk from the Assembly 
economic suburbs of West Knoxville Hall, you will find our bridal and 

and Farragut. our 30,000 square- groom suites. our largest room is 

foot building was constructed for
designed to pamper the bride with 
a former church facility, and its comfortable seating, plenty of mir- 

unique design footprint makes for rors, and a fully secured dressing and 
possibilities not found anywhere makeup room. The gentlemen’s suite 

else in the region. A large amount features a room with decidedly mas- 

of on-site parking is available and culine touches in the d́cor. We have 
our adjacent field—suitable for any spared no expense at making these and tiled, adding all new fixtures. 

warm weather event—can be uti- dressing rooms a relaxing, stress-free our Boardroom comes complete
lized for additional parking, event environment before your big walk with a 16-foot rolling conference 

tents, or sporting events.
down the aisle.
table and projection capabilities. 

Beginning on our east end wing is our Reception Hall is 2,000 square With a capacity of around 40, this 
our Assembly Hall. The high ceiling feet and can fit anywhere from 50 to room has not seen only corporate 

and rich carpeting make this room 125 people banquet style, while the meetings and events but has also 
regal and elegant. our Assembly adjoining kitchen provides the neces- been a popular room with bridal and 

Hall acted as the original sanctu- sities for any caterer. With ample prep baby showers, worship groups, or 
ary of the church and is an ideal areas, an ice machine, and refrigera- guest break-rooms to larger tandem 

chapel-like space for weddings.
tion, we can easily accommodate food events. Additional meeting rooms 

our full-sized grand piano can be service or catering within a short dis- on this floor make easy use for 
automated or played manually, and tance. our hallway fountain provides conferences or smaller groups. All 

a full sound system is available.
guests with fresh, filtered water and are easily accessible from our other 
The room’s tasteful decor and track
our bathrooms have been redesigned
larger event spaces.

Bridgewater Place takes pride in 

the question, “What do you need
to make your meeting a success?” 

The series of small meeting rooms 
on our lower level are the answer. 

They come in an array or as indi- 

vidual rooms, averaging around 700 
square feet each. Each room fea- 

tures something a little different; 
some have sinks, partition set-ups, 

or even closeted storage. Any group

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