Page 4 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 4
Protect Your Family From
Dangerous Radon Exposure
You can’t see it, smell it, or taste it!
treatment (May-Oct), pest control
for ants/carpenter bees/bedbugs,
etc., VA/FHA termite inspections, That’s why it’s best to call the all homes be tested for radon. It’s
fungicide/moldicide treatments, radon professionals at Dayton’s to an easy process, and resolving any
and CleanSpace® Crawl Space test your home for this dangerous airborne threat is relatively simple
carcinogen. January is National to mitigate if high levels of radon
Radon Awareness Month, and
are detected.
we want you to feel at ease that Originating in the ground’s
radon is not lurking in your home. soil and rocks, radon rises to the
Dayton’s technicians have com- surface through the path of least FOR NEW CUSTOMERS
pleted extensive training on how to resistance. It can be found in new $10 OFF
properly identify radon and install or old homes, drafty or well-sealed
mitigation systems that comply with homes, and homes with and
the radon industry’s best practices without basements. The risk factor CONTINUOUS MONITOR TEST
for quality solutions.
increases for homes resting on
Some startling facts are that ex- cracked foundations or other gaps $50 OFF
posure to radon is the 2nd leading in the ground. Excessive insulation
cause of lung cancer in the United in homes with poor ventilation can
States, and exposure to radon kills also trap radon gas.
more people annually than drunk Other services provided by
driving! The U.S. Surgeon Gen- Dayton’s include convenient (One $10 & $50 coupon limit per household)
eral and Environmental Protection perimeter pest control, carpenter
Expires: 3/31/14
Agency strongly recommend that
bee control (Apr-Aug), mosquito