Page 76 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 76

our crew of five rented a Hunter 45 Cayo Luis Pẽa

sailboat. These boats are designed to on the first day after arriving, we our next stop was at the island of 
be sailed by a small crew—or even by began with a short sail to a small island Culebra. only 17 miles from Puerto 

one person if he or she is an experi- called Cayo Luis Pẽa. The island is Rico’s main island, it has a population 
enced sailor. It had plenty of room for just off the coast of the larger island of of just under 2,000. The town is old— 

all of us, and enough beds to accom- Culebra, and it is completely unin- the island was first settled in 1880—and 
modate us all, as well, which was habited. The entire island is a nature there are cute shops and restaurants to 

crucial, as we would be spending our preserve that is part of the larger explore. We were able to tie our dingy 
nights on board. Navigation is made Culebra National Wildlife Refuge. We at a small restaurant while we explored 

easy with a full chart plotter system easily found a mooring ball to tie up
the town. The rest of the island is
coupled to an autopilot, and the boat for the afternoon and night, and our ad- part of the wildlife preserve that was 

has a full complement of other ameni- venture began. We began by swimming founded by President Teddy Roosevelt 
ties including a generator and air and snorkeling in the crystal clear bay, in 1909. Keep an eye out for the rare 

which was packed with fish, turtles, Culebra Island giant Anole, a lizard 
The folks at Sail Caribe gave us a
eels, and more—the older boys (unsuc- found only on Culebra that experts 

full briefing and made sure we were cessfully) tried to catch a fish with
think may now be extinct. You can also 
comfortable with the boat before send- a spear. The Luis Pẽa Beach on the see leatherback, green sea, and hawks- 

ing us on our way. The owner, Jim, gave north side of the island is reachable by bill sea turtles—and at the right time of 
us a full, easy-to-follow itinerary. Here private water taxi, so after our swim we year, you may find nests of turtle eggs 

are the five essential stops for anyone headed over to explore the island. The hidden on the beaches. The preserve 
traveling in this area—and the spots island is closed after nightfall, so we is also home to more than 50,000 sea 

that you absolutely have to see.
had to return the boat for the night.
birds of more than a dozen varieties.

Colorful colonial towns pepper the islands, 
providing a nice contrast to the pristine 

beaches and nature preserves alongside 
them. History buffs will ind plenty to 

interest them along the way, as well.

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