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Innovation and focus make a powerful duo. For 

Dr. Kamilia Kozlowski, they were keys to creating a 
“Although I new model of breast health care in Knoxville. For Dr. 

Meredith Overholt and Dr. Kimberly Grande, they 
started my own support a comprehensive approach to skin care.

medical practice 
Dr. Kamilia Kozlowski 
and introduced 

Founder, Medical Director, and 
a new approach 
CEO, Knoxville Comprehensive 

to the delivery Breast Center

of breast health As a radiologist in Detroit, Dr. Kamilia Kozlowski 
found a challenge she enjoyed: deciphering mam- 
care, and may 
mograms. She moved to Knoxville in 1983 nursing an 

be viewed as an unconventional idea: Specializing in breast radiol- 
ogy, she would provide women every imaging study 

in one place, at one time. The medical community 
was skeptical. But, Dr. Kozlowski says, “By appealing 

I view myself
to my ‘clientele’—women—my practice flourished 

through the years. It is the women of East Tennessee 
who helped establish my practice. It is they that we 
as a physician 
serve, and it is they who come first at KCBC.” Today, 
the Knoxville Comprehensive Breast Center provides 
who is
more than imaging, as patients receive everything 
they need under the care of radiologists, oncologists, 
dedicated to 
and more.

inding breast 

cancer as early Dr. Meredith Overholt

Dr. Kimberly Grande 
as it can be and 

Founding Partners,
The Skin Wellness Center

Dr. Meredith Overholt and Dr. Kimberly Grande 

gave Knoxvillians a way to learn about the science
of looking healthy. In 2001, they founded the Skin 

Wellness Center, a dual dermatology and cosmetic 
treatment practice. “We really strive to treat the 

whole patient,” says Dr. Overholt. That means they 

frequently diagnose skin concerns—including cos- 
metic ones—that reveal health issues in other areas of 

the body. It also means they devise individual treat- 
ment plans for each patient. “We help the patient 

prioritize and discuss options,” says Dr. Grande. “One 

treatment does not fit all.” That’s just one aspect of 
the two dermatologists’ commitment to delivering 

the best outcomes available to their patients.

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