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Troy Tisue 

President, TAG Resources

When Troy Tisue started 
TAG Resources, a national 

retirement services firm, he 
discovered “build it and they 

will come” isn’t always true. 
But what he wanted to build 

in the early 2000s was radical 

for his industry: A retirement 
plan that would efficiently 

combine services for multiple 
employers, so even the small- 

est employers would be able 

to pay less and risk less—and 
more employees would gain a 
“There are a
chance for fully funded retire- 
ment. “Tackling problems 
lot of great 
that no one has thought to try 

thought leaders out is what motivates me,” 
says Tisue. “There is always a 

in my industry, better way to do something.” 
Tisue’s focus on finding more 
but change can 
efficient, more effective ways 
of doing things is why TAG’s 
be slow. The 
plan evolved into one of the 

retirement issue most talked about 401(k) solu- 
tions in the country. “Some of 

is an issue for
the best parts of who we are 
today came from question- 
all of us—we’re 
ing practices that, at the time, 

all going to were pretty good,” says Tisue. 
“Everything from sales ideas 

succeed or fail
to technology enhancements 
gets vetted on white boards. 

at retirement one Change is a constant at TAG— 

it’s as normal as the color 
day. That alone is orange in Knoxville.”

motivation enough 

to start really 

thinking about 


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