Page 103 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 103

top docs 
There is 

certainly more 
pressure for the 

physician to speed such as blood pressure readings or discuss. This is age based and includes
“how is your sex life?”, “do your 
through an weights, with them to discuss specific 
changes. Patients should also always bowel and/or bladder issues limit your 
interview or an 
encounter bring an updated list of medications activities?”, “Is your family complete?”, 
and any data from other physicians that and “What are you doing to prevent 
with patients. 
might impact their care. despite many pregnancy or STIs?” Since I practice
–Dr. James Choo
of the claims, at this time electronic a limited type of medicine, I can limit 

medical records do not disseminate patients to certain areas. If more time 

information between physicians is needed, I suggest a follow-up visit to 
without request or prompting. I would explore the issue more completely.

discourage patients from asking to 
discuss nonmedical issues or areas of 

medicine outside my area of expertise.
What are some ways that 
patients waste appoint- 
with the changes, it can significantly 
affect their ability to run their practices Burkhart: Although most physicians ment time? What behaviors 

and to deliver care.
dread “the list,” it actually helps the and questions should be 
visit proceed in a logical fashion. The avoided, or addressed with 

Crane: The time spent with a patient
questions they can ask me that are most a nurse or other employee?
is determined by their specific needs. helpful generally follow my discussion 

The number of doctors in our clinic has of the illness with them. It is my job to Acker: In order to maximize

remained constant while the patient narrow their focus such that they can appointment time, I would 
volume has risen exponentially; we are understand what the problem is, ask encourage the patient to discuss busi- 

trying to keep up with the increased appropriate questions, and process the ness or insurance policies with the 
demand for dementia care. The average answers so that they understand my appropriate administrative personnel, 

time I spend with a patient has decreased response. This should allow the patient rather than trying to address this dur- 

over the years. but quality of time is to ask any further follow-up questions ing an appointment.
much more important than quantity.
towards the end of the visit.

Burkhart: As physicians, we should 
Dodd: Time with my patients has Choo: Clear and concise communica- pride ourselves on the ability to listen. 

remained the same, but my reimburse- tion is important. Proactive listening our practice has been around for more 

ment has gone down (mostly by not and self-education is also important. I than 60 years, and most of our patients 
keeping up with inflation). My favorite would warn against self-diagnosing on feel like family to us. Many of their 

part of being a doctor is my interaction the Internet. Sometimes what patients family members have been with us 
with my patient. I cannot make this read from the Web causes untoward that long. hence, we talk about a lot of 

shorter without sacrificing my enjoy- anxiety. however, it’s helpful to read things that are not medically related.
ment of this profession.
about one’s confirmed conditions, I have never considered it a waste

treatments, medications, and proce- of time, and I treasure the relation- 

dures and to have questions ready to ship that I have with them. It is my 
How can a patient most ask when their provider meets with job to direct the patient’s questions to 

effectively spend his/her them. be prepared to write things an endpoint that serves the patient’s 
time with you? What are down. Notes are a great way to remem- needs over our own. We do encourage

some of the best questions ber questions and answers.
he/she can ask you?

Crane: The most effective way a pa- 
My favorite part of 
Acker: Patients can make the
tient can prepare for an appointment
most of their time by being is to make a list of questions that they being a doctor is my 

organized and proactive about their want addressed. It is very helpful when interaction with my patient. 
I cannot make this shorter 
visit. I encourage them to write
a caregiver brings in a list of observa- 
down their particular concerns and tions or concerns.
without sacriicing my 

questions, so that we can cover them enjoyment of this profession. 
effectively during the visit. I also Dodd: As a gynecologist, I ask several 
–Dr. Susan Dodd
encourage them to be prepared for routine questions of my patients that 
their visit by bringing their health data,
cover areas patients may be reluctant to

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