Page 106 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 106

top docs 

Crane: In my practice, we have more
In your opinion, has the primary care doctor, so a good relation- 
length of patient appoint- 
time per patient than most outpatient ship with the primary doctor/midlevel 
clinics. however, I think that the qual- ments/time spent with provider and care team is critical to 

ity of the time spent with each patient the physician increased, overall health and quality of life.
is more important than quantity. We (as decreased, or remained 

in me) need to spend more time listen- the same over the past 10 As medical costs are on 
ing and less time talking.
years? Why do you think the rise, has the increase 

that is?
been enough to offset 
increased costs incurred 
Dodd: Again, I am so lucky to have 
chosen a field where I actually feel as if The length of appointment
by hospitals and medical 

I’m a part of the families I care for. de- time has relatively remained organizations? What are 
livering their babies and helping them consistent over the past 10 years; how- some costs of healthcare 

through significant changes in their ever, we have streamlined processes that most people probably 
don’t think about?
lives tends to bond my patients to me in and worked to increase efficiency so 
emotional and significant ways. At this that more patients can be accommo- 

point in my career, I’m usually meeting dated within a day. With Electronic As with any industry or busi-
new patients with the introduction, Medical Record and other technologi- ness, costs are anticipated to 

“You delivered me, dr. dodd.” Makes cal advances, we are able to treat and rise over time—and healthcare is no 
me feel quite old.
diagnose differently than we did 10 different. At Summit, we contract with 

years ago. We’ve increased volume of insurance providers to make sure that 

care and expanded quality.
our services remain affordable and 

Some healthcare costs that consum- 
What are the concerns ers may not think about include opera- 

that physicians bring tional expenses such as deploying Elec- 
The number to you most frequently? 
of doctors in tronic Medical Record, and investing in 
What about patients?
the infrastructure from a technological 
our clinic has 
and real estate standpoint to effectively 
remained Physicians, along with the
support the smooth operations of a 

constant while healthcare community overall, medical group—especially one of Sum- 
the patient 
have concerns about the changing mit’s size that employs more than 1,300 
volume has risen healthcare landscape, how the Af- employees and has more than 300,000 

exponentially. fordable Care Act will impact patient primary care consumers.
panels, and what changes primary care 
–Dr. Monica Crane
will be making over time to adapt to What would you say to a 
the changing landscape. The emphasis patient who was concerned 

is on quality of care, with a proactive about not being able to see 
his or her doctor anymore?
approach to wellness and prevention. 
our goal is to provide the right care at 

the right time, in the right setting, in I would say that at Summit,
the manner that is most beneficial for our goal is to work daily to 

our consumers.
ensure that we expand our services and 
medical administration
In my role as Chief Executive officer, provide quality care for all those who 
is a complex field in its own right—and I have the opportunity to interact with choose Summit as their provider. We 

an essential component of the system patients/consumers frequently. I do will continue to play a vital role in the 
that administers healthcare to all Ten- know that our consumers are increas- primary healthcare community in East 

nesseans. Cityview asked Tim Young, ingly concerned about access, insur- Tennessee, increasing services and in- 

the CEo of Summit Medical group,
ance, and affordability. Consumers are stilling confidence in our consumers.
to answer a few questions about an also concerned about wellness and pre- 

administrator’s view of these issues. vention and what they can do now pro- We asked medical professionals about their 
The Summit Medical group includes actively to ensure that health problems thoughts on changing healthcare laws—

218 physicians at more than 50 offices in do not develop later on. often, initial and now we want to hear from you! Email 
East Tennessee.
diseases and illnesses are found by the to share your story.

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