Page 144 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 144

brown’s daugther’s friend and ut soccer team- 

mate, Katie Lenz [left], joins his daughters 

caroline brown and Rebecca nutter and his son- 
in-law Seth nutter around the bar in the kitchen.

areas. The first, with two chairs and
downtown amenities within walking 

The study opens onto a roof garden a large outdoor propane heater, is the distance. Residents are comforted by the 
overlooking Market Square, an urbane “cigar smoking” area, “a sort of family feeling of belonging to a neighborhood. 

example of just how lovely a rooftop tradition,” says fisher. Two steps up take And it’s invigorating to be a part of the 
deck and garden can be. This area pre- you to a full outdoor kitchen with grill, “the noise and the hurry,” as Petula Clark 

sented quite a few problems for fisher smoker, large dining tables, and concrete sang, of a vibrant downtown world.
during the renovation. “The original roof work surfaces. Two more steps up lead As you stand on in the roof garden, 

was dangerous,” she says, “with many you to an area with large tables, chairs, overlooking Market Square, you are re- 
varying levels, all of the heating and
and an all-weather TV. “We watched the minded that Petula told us to, “. listen to 

air equipment and rickety railings.” In basketball game here in early January,” the music of the traffic in the city, linger 
addition, there are quite a few City code says fisher. “It was so pleasant.” The on the sidewalks where the neon signs 

requirements for a roof deck concern- deck is surrounded by see-through fenc- are pretty. The lights are much brighter 
ing proper exits, sprinklers, and other ing and a “green roof” installation with there. You can forget all your troubles, 

safety measures. Architects worked with maintenance-free plantings.
forget all your cares. So go downtown, 
the City to meet all of these require- Standing on the rooftop deck looking everything’s waiting for you.”

ments, and fisher added the touches down on the hustle and bustle of Market 
that make it beautiful. She overlaid the Square, it’s easy to understand why so Karen Clark honed her fashion sense as a buyer at Brooks 

existing roof with a series of terraced many people love loft living. It’s nice hav- Brothers in New York City and at Watson’s in Knoxville. 
Trex decking, creating three separate
ing all the restaurants, music, and other
She is the Chief Information Oficer of OrthoTennessee.

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