Page 189 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 189

Where Curves are Created

Post Operation Options

After breast surgery, many women are not 

aware of any immediate options for breast 
restoration and comfort during the healing 
process. Befitting You has several options 

available from Amoena for this time of heal- 
ing. We have a post mastectomy camisole 
that is designed for use immediately after 
surgery. This camisole is made of soft cotton, 

and comes with pouches to hold your drain- 
age tubes close to the body. It also comes 
with soft adjustable breast forms that are for 
shaping and help restore your confidence.

Wigs &
Gifts &


Our goal is to help those We understand that going 

experiencing hair loss, through chemotherapy 
whether it is due to cancer and radiation can affect 
treatment, alopecia or the health of your skin and 
simply to change one’s hair. Our goal is to provide 

look. The Befitting
you with safe and natural 
You staff is devoted to skin care solutions that 
easing you through this will provide relief from 
transitional time with a these side effects of your 

world of beautiful and treatments.
comfortable wig options. 
We can customize your Befitting You also
style, fit, and color to match offers various fun and 

as closely as possible to inspirational gifts for you
your natural hairstyle. We to enjoy! Come and see
feature a large selection
our large selection of pink 

of hats, turbans, and head ribbon jewelry. We have 
coverings. Soft and comfy necklaces, bracelets, 
hats are good to wear rings, earrings, watches, 
during times that you may pins, and more. You can 

not want to wear a wig.
show your support of 
cancer awareness and also 
give these to any friends or 
family who are undergoing 

cancer treatment!

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