Page 20 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 20


Letters to the Editor
Comments and questions from 

our readers in Knoxville and beyond.

From the Editor
Thoughtful commentary from 

Cityview Editor-in-chief Steven friedlander.

From the Publisher
Remarks and observations from 

Cityview Publisher Nathan Sparks.

34 32 
Social Calendar
Around Town
Inventive percussion, classic rockers, Linford detweiler of over the Rhine tells 

and beatlemania are only a few of the
Cityview about how place influences the band’s 
events Knoxville has to offer this spring.
music and shares details about their latest album.

36 The Seen

Just because it’s winter doesn’t mean 
Knoxvillians aren’t out having a great time. did The Knoxonomist

we capture you at any of these lively events?
Whose idea was 
• Evening in Orange
this obamacare business

• Eskimo Escapades
anyway? And will it expand 
• Evergreen Ball
into other areas of insurance, 

• Chocolate Fest
too? The Knoxonomist 
shares his predictions.
44 Conversations: Dr. Robert Spitzer 

Angelique Medow quizzes neuroscientist

dr. Robert Switzer on combining science and 
business, his company NeuroScience Associates, 

and what we can learn from studying the brain.

46 Dining Out: Echo Bistro

A bearden gem offers an intimate setting

with plenty of elegance and quiet attention to detail.

48 Local Politics: We Don’t Know Jack 

Are Knoxvillians as uninformed about local

politics as the rest of the country? george Korda 
asked around.

In the Zone: Oh the Places You’ll Go! 
Arts in the Back: John McCrae
former Lady Vol basketball star brittany
Jackson describes the new opportunities opening Architecture professor, author, and 

up for female athletes—in college and beyond.
sculpture John McCrae shares the inspiration behind 
his series of raku fired monsters and torsos.

18 maRcH  aPRiL 2014

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