Page 34 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 34

Husband-and-wife team Linford Detweiler and 

Karin Bergquist make up the band Over the 

Over the Rhine

Rhine, named for the historic neighborhood in 

Cincinnati, Ohio. Their latest album, Meet Me at 

March 6, 2014

the Edge of the World, was largely inspired by 

The Square Room
the 1833 Ohio farmhouse where they live.

interview by Sarah H. clark
and have a refuge from the road. We while we are still touring. I know 
found “Nowhere farm.” It was a big the songs grow out of the dirt that 

Cityview: How does “place” change to live out in the rolling fields we walk around on every day.
influence your music?
in an old house surrounded by birds 

and trees and weeds and stars. We re- CV: Your latest album was 
Linford Detweiler: That’s something alized that some of our heroes—Rob- recorded in just six days. Why?

that we have wondered about. The ert frost, georgia o’Keeffe, flannery 
neighborhood of over-the-Rhine was o’Connor—we thought of in a very LD: [our producer] Joe henry 

thought of as the “bad part of town,” specific place. our place has been likes to work fairly quickly. he 
and it was a magical neighborhood ohio. It has influenced us, but exactly likes to put musicians together in 

for us, a couple of small town ohio how it has influenced us has remained a room and document an event. 
kids. It looked like an old European a little mysterious and slippery.
he doesn’t want to be meticulous 

city had been lifted up, thrown across and careful about what’s happen- 
the Atlantic ocean, and dropped
CV: Do you farm the land?
ing; he wants something a little 

in ohio. We were transfixed by it— bit surprising and, if we are lucky, 
ragged, timeless, and dangerous: All LD: We garden: I grow most of the maybe a little bit ragged and 

the things we hoped our songs could food and Karin takes care of the dangerous at times. So we just 
be one day.
flowers. Karin puts up humming- play all the songs in real time, 

but after about 10 years in the city, bird feeders in the summertime. and what you’re hearing is the 
we wanted to find a piece of unpaved but we have resisted the urge to sound of that band leaning into 

earth that we could disappear to
own anything that creates manure
the songs for the first time.


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