Page 60 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
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the KveRS team works the 
time equivalent of 25 full- 

time employees on training 
and rescues in Knoxville and 

the surrounding area.

not have the technical expertise or volunteers often do the same thing they Jenkins concurs: “My parents sent 

equipment to perform some of KVERS’ do for us at their regular jobs. If you’re me here before I was old enough to 
rescues. besides Nashville, his vol- employed at an emergency service, you vote or drive. They thought it would 

unteers also go to Chattanooga and can’t up and leave.”
keep my out of trouble. [Note: The 
last year helped with a cave rescue in Even for volunteers at non-emer- minimum age to join KVERS now is 18.] 

georgia: “We cover Knox County first, gency jobs, Whited says that the tight I found just a great group of people 
but we’ll go anywhere we’re called, if economy has led to less flexibility: and a place to learn a lot of skills.

we have available resources.” Among “Everyone operates with minimal staff It’s where I met my wife. There are 
those resources are “large assets,” such nowadays and can’t always spare some- not many places like this left around, 

as homeland Security-provided mass- body whenever their pager goes off.”
where your family can get behind 
casualty equipment.
The squad needs additional volun- what you do and support it, even 

The volunteers themselves, however, teers, too, especially those who come though it takes so much of your time.”
must buy their own individual gear, with a background like diving or cav- “We’ll be there,” says Whited. 

which can cost as much as $1,000.
ing. “It’s easier for us to make a caver “We’ve been there and will always
Ideally, Whited would like to see cor- into a rescuer than a rescuer into a be there when the community needs 

porate and business sponsors step up caver,” says Whited. “We’ll mold skills us, so keep us in mind. We’ll be doing 
and provide KVERS with guaranteed to what we need, but the training will the job at a high level and at a very 

annual funding to supplement what take more time.”
economical price. Twenty-four hours 
the squad gets from the government, Although staffing is a struggle, those a day, seven days a week.” And that 

community, and uWgK. he believes
who do volunteer with KVERS find it includes those Saturdays when Knox- 
it would be great publicity as well as one of the most rewarding ways anyone ville’s more famous Volunteers are 

support to not only a nonprofit, but an can invest his or her spare hours. playing football.
essential community service.
“You’re able to help your fellow man 

Likewise, Whited says area employ- and serve in the community in a very Mark Spurlock is a freelance writer and sometime computer 
ers need to be supportive of staff who real way,” says Whited. “Plus, you have programmer who lives with his two children and several ani- 

volunteer with the rescue squad: “We an opportunity to find a personal niche: mals in Maryville. Besides all forms of writing, his interests 
have some employers who are great. something you’re good at that most are education, the Internet, politics, and the performing 

because of their skill sets, though, our
people aren’t.”
arts. You can reach him at

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