Page 76 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 76

army veterans Ronne and benny Lucas met in a veterans administration hospital many years after both had left the military— 
but they found that they had a lot in common.

Vietnam. he was stationed in the central from 1971 to ‘73, benny was a tank more citizenships tests as far away as 
highlands, with the 69th Armored bat- commander at fort hood, Texas, which Atlanta and Louisville, Kentucky.

talion of the 25th Infantry, in the area of was followed by 4 2 years in Swineford, between 1982 and ‘85, he served in 
the Phu Cat Air base.
germany, with the 2nd Tank battalion, bowling green, Kentucky, as an advisor 

At 6:30 on the morning of November 64th Armored Regiment, 3rd Infantry to the Kentucky Army National guard. 
of 1967, he was sitting atop the cupola division. “The country was okay,” says Then came two more years in Korea, a 

of his M48 tank, waiting to escort a benny. “The duty was bad. We were in promotion to sergeant major, and then 
convoy, when he felt a blast.” An RPg the field for 189 days in a year.”
two years teaching tankology to train- 

[rocket propelled grenade] blew my After three years back at fort hood, ees at fort Knox. having reached the 
helmet off,” says benny. “I had enough benny was ordered to Korea in 1981.
highest possible rank he could attain, 

sense to get inside the tank. That was up to this time, benny had been mar- he retired in 1989. “There was nothing 
the start of the battle of Phu Cat. It ried to beverly Kesterson, a girl he’d left to aspire to. The challenge wasn’t 

went on for three days, but the hot and first met at her grandmother’s home
there anymore.”
heavy stuff lasted eight hours. I lost in Lake City. They had two daughters, he worked for two years as an elec- 

some of my hearing in that blast, and I Candida and Carol, and a son, benny, tronics technician for Siemens Corpo- 
still have ringing in the ears.”
Jr. (Carol and Candida both live and ration in Atlanta. Cha’s son, Yong Kim, 

After two years training troops at work in the Knoxville area. benny,
had come over to the united States and 
fort Knox, benny went back to Nam Jr., is an RN and a vice president at
learned to be a shoe repairman, working 

in 1970 as a buck sergeant. “The first a hospital in Sonoma, California.) in a shop in East Town Mall and eventu- 
time I volunteered to go to Vietnam. beverly and benny divorced at the start ally owning his own shop in Atlanta.

This time they sent me.” he was with of benny’s tour of Korea. “I liked her,” In 2004, Cha died of cancer, and 
Troop C, 1st Squadron, of the 10th says benny. “but she liked a friend of benny retired and moved to harriman, 

Cavalry. “Racial tension was high,” mine better.”
where his sister and mother lived. In 
says benny. “A commander was order- during a one-year tour of Korea, 2005 friends set him up with a deaf Ko- 

ing some troops out in the field and benny was promoted to master ser- rean woman. They were married, and 
they didn’t want to go. A soldier shot geant. he also married a Korean woman benny moved to Melbourne, florida. 

him six times above the waist with
named Waja hwa Cha, who worked at “We just didn’t get along,” says benny. 
an M-16. he got 20 years.” during his the service club. “She couldn’t speak or The marriage ended after four months.

10-month tour, benny was promoted hear,” says benny. “I speak some Korean, 
to staff sergeant. of all the Vietnam but I sign it fluently.” he is so proficient, ROUTE TO AN EDUCATiON

movies, benny feels that We Were in fact, that over the years he has been Ronne was the third of James and 
Soldiers with Mel gibson was the most called upon to serve as a Korean sign Loris Johnstone’s five children. After a 

accurate depiction.
language translator for a half-dozen or
childhood in Mississippi, she grew up in

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