Page 86 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 86

Cityview has gone all out this year to bring you the latest news and developments on the medical front. 

on page 106, you’ll find in-depth coverage of the Affordable Care Act—better known as obamacare—in “deal or No deal.” 

We’re also offering the details on some of the best recent developments in home and do-it-yourself medical care— 

which is helping more and more Americans find and identify diseases and disorders in time to treat them effec-

tively [page 114]. Then, in this year’s “doctors Speak out” article [page 

100], Cityview spoke with five of the physicians who made our Top 

doctors listing this year—and the CEo of East Tennessee’s

largest primary care organization—about patient concerns,

rising costs and insurance confusion, and, ultimately, 

their love for what they do. Though the health- 

care landscape may seem dark and confusing

this year, here in Knoxville and all over

the country, there are many doctors 

just as committed to caring for 

patients, encouraging well-

ness, and maintaining

valuable relation- 

ships as they 

have always


Photography by bryan Starmer

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