Page 22 - Cityview_May_June_2014
P. 22


Bobby Drinnon in Cityview
article or direct me to where it is on 

how can I get a copy of the most-re- your website?
cent issue that featured Bobby Drinnon Thank you for your help and bonne 
Salon & Beauty 
on the cover? I was in a bad marriage chance to the next 30 years!
for 20 years with an alcoholic hus- 

band—and without Bobby’s guidance I Nancy Hunt 
would still be in that marriage. Bobby —Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

taught me about the classrooms of life 
and helped me grow as a person and a [“Reforming Workers’ Compensa-

mother. I will miss the peace that I felt tion,” by Bruce Fox, can be found in the 
Color • Shampoo • Conditioner • when I visited Bobby and the guidance Community Guide section of the July/ 
Treatment • Styling • Hand Care
and goals that he gave me.
August 2013 issue. You can contact ac- for specific 
We are proud to carry this exclusive 
Angie Daniels requests. –Ed.]
line committed to sustainability, ethical —Kingsport
practices, and people.

From their essential oil hair products [Bobby Drinnon appeared on the cover Shame On You!!!

to their organics, we offer it all. of the September/October 2012 issue. You should be ashamed of yourselves 
Whether you have long locks, crazy Prices for back issues vary; you can for the degrading picture of President 
curls, or a matted mane, we can help!
contact obama on your March/April cover. The 
for specific requests. –Ed.]
blatant hypocrisy never ends. Where 

$10 off Davines color treatment
was the demeaning cover of President 
Bush during the Iraq War?
Top Docs a Top Hit
M. K. Coor 
Manicures • Pedicures • This is my first “snowbird” winter in —Knoxville
Acrylic Nails • Hair Extensions • 
Knoxville. As I have been involved in 
Facial Waxing • Teeth Whitening
all aspects of a community newspaper 
236 Morrell Road
for more than 25 years in Quebec, I’m 
always on the lookout for local media. We neglected to give credit to Danny 
Deane Hill Centre 
Appointments: (865) 691-1919 Cityview is an exceptional example of a Wilson for his cover illustration of quality publication.
Barack obama that graced the cover
Tuesday-Saturday: 8AM-8PM 
Sunday-Monday: By Appointment
In all my travels, your magazine is of the March/April issue of Cityview. 
one of the most impressive—regional In addition, we didn’t give credit to 

or national—that I have ever read. The Colby Mclemore in the same issue
articles are succinct yet thoroughly for his photographs that accompanied 

written so that an “outsider” can our Charity Spotlight: “East Tennes- 
understand them. I am unfamiliar with see’s other Vols: Knoxville Volunteer 

the united States healthcare system— Emergency Rescue Squad.” Dr. Joseph 
and the March/April issue was a great Thurmond Meyer was incorrectly 

introduction (“on the Record: Doctors listed in “Top Docs 2014” as Dr. Joseph 
Speak out” and “obamacare: Deal or Thurmond. Dr. Meyer is a Radiation 

No Deal”).
oncologist. There was also a misspell- 
Also: Kudos to the advertising/sales/ ing of John McRae’s name in “Arts in 

design department, which supplies the the Back.”
“fuel” for the editorial and gets this 

magazine into the public’s hands!
A request: In Nathan Sparks’ recent Cityview welcomes letters to the editor. Letters 

editorial, he referred to a previous should be sent with the writer’s name and daytime 
Cityview article on “the gutting of
phone number via e-mail to editorial@cityviewmag. 

our state’s Workers’ Compensation com. Letters may be edited for clarity and length. 
system.” Would you please send me this
Letters may be used in any form or medium.

20 january  february 2014

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