Page 41 - Cityview_May_June_2014
P. 41

AM: You have five beautiful children and inspire people to look at their lifestyle as 

a gorgeous wife. What are some of your a whole and be willing to try a different 
family’s favorite meals?
approach for a more sustainable and 

rewarding life. Eating local and seasonal 
SB: Pizza night: Everybody makes
is at this foundation.

their own version and then we share. 
“Breakfast for dinner”: Waffles, grits, AM: With the recent public outcry for 

bacon, sausage, potato cakes. Pasta night: eating raw, gluten-free, green, vegan, 
usually an offering of different types— paleo—and juicing—will these types 

Bolognese, pesto, and garlic-pancetta- of fit-foods be a part of the Blackberry 
pepper flakes and olive oil. Burger night: farm experience?

Build-your-own venison burgers and 
sweet potato fries in fall; lamb burgers SB: They already are. We serve tons of 

and garden white potatoes in spring and raw ingredients, naturally gluten-free 
offerings, enormous amounts of greens, 

plenty of meat, and lots of good juice. 
AM: favorite snack?
Being vegan is just a dietary restriction in 

our book, and we modify most items on 
SB: Chocolate.
the menu as needed. our opinion is that 

the healthiest approach to life is a bal- 
AM: Are there are particular foods or cui- anced one! There is nothing wrong with 
In May and June, we honor 
sine you must have every couple of days?
fat, starches, carbs, wine, coffee, or sugar 
Labor Day, Mother’s Day, Armed when in balance with a mindful and re- 

Forces Day, Memorial Day, Flag SB: No. The only consistent thing about sponsible lifestyle approach as a whole.
the way I eat is variety. I hardly repeat 
Day, Father’s Day, and others.
the same foods in a given week. Variety is AM: You are strongly in favor of inten- 
excellent for the gut and general health.
tionally creating a balanced and healthy 
Do you know that someone 
relationship with both food and life. Why 
AM: Any foods or cuisines you dislike? is balance important?
looks to you as a role model 

every day? A child looks to you 
SB: Monkey brains and Rocky Moun-
SB: If not a balanced approach, one is 
to learn how an adult behaves. 
tain oysters.
likely depriving oneself of something. If 
any end of the spectrum is a focus, more Others look to you to learn how 
a person in your profession, 
AM: food is a part of the total experience than the other, then that approach is 
at Blackberry farm, and events through- likely not sustainable and exceptions are country, or religion behaves.

out 2014 include concerts, truffle and
made. Just live one life that embodies all 
fox hunting, educational workshops and good things.
Take a personal inventory:
seminars, field trips around the 9,000 
acre farm, a paintball challenge, sewing AM: What do you think are the biggest 
Are you respectful?
and design, fly fishing, holiday meals and challenges to leading a balanced life?
festivities, hiking, biking, yoga, fitness 
Are you honest?
sessions, and discussions about nutrition. SB: Knowledge and looking at the big 
What’s next for Blackberry farm?
picture. for example, looking at one 
Do you care about others? 
meal versus always looking at three 
SB: A focus on wellness through active, meals at a time for diversity, balance, 
Are you dependable?
nourishing, sustainable approaches to and enjoyment.
What have people learned from you 

AM: I’ve read that your mission has Angelique Medow is a 2012 Cityview Entrepreneur and the today? Make every day count.

been “to inspire people to cook and eat Principal of Building Ideas, which provides design, decorating, 
local foods in season.” Does that hold consultation, and project management for commercial and 

true today?
residential properties. She also enjoys exercising her degree in 
journalism from Arizona State University.
Yes—but that would be just a small 
part of a larger mission to challenge and

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