Page 58 - Cityview_May_June_2014
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famous for its custom-cut steaks (New PAnCAKE PAnTRY
dering eggs, they have that, too (includ- 
York strip, filet mignon, and rib eye) If you have kids, then don’t you
ing omelets), and if you arrive after 11:30 

and prime rib, not to mention the serv- dare waffle about having breakfast (or a.m., the lunch menu offers burgers, 
ers who bring the steak right to your lunch) at the Pancake Pantry, the first sandwiches, soup, and salad.

table so you can direct them in carving pancake house in the state. These gurus Take note: This restaurant accepts 
off exactly what you want and cook- of the griddle have been flipping flap- only cash—no credit cards. But if you’re 

ing it to your exact specifications. The jacks at this gatlinburg establishment caught without, there’s an extremely 
restaurant also offers chicken, shrimp, since 1960.
popular ATM just inside the door. 

and fish (including English Mountain You can order just plain buttermilk (Phew!)
rainbow trout), not to mention a super pancakes, but why do that when you information: (865) 436–4724; www. 

salad bar with more than 40 items. have about two dozen pancake varieties
Try to snag one of the best tables, right to choose from? You can go for color- 

beside a wall of picture windows over- ful (with M&M pancakes topped with SMOKY MOUnTAIn TROUT HOUSE
looking the little Pigeon River.
real whipped cream), Southern (with This unassuming but utterly 

Do take note of the building while cornmeal pancakes), fruity (with wild charming restaurant has been serving 
you’re here. The heart of the establish- blueberry pancakes), or even fabulously gatlinburg patrons since 1975. They’re 

ment is a historic log cabin that was foreign (with Austrian apple-walnut famous for their signature dish: Trout 
built by one of the first families to pancakes, covered with apple cider Eisenhower (the former president’s 

settle in gatlinburg. The structure was compote made with melted butter, black private recipe), a whole trout that’s 
expanded in 1958, using logs from four walnuts, apples, and spices and topped fried and de-boned at the table and 

other Smoky Mountain homesteads. with powdered sugar and real whipped served with cornmeal breading, bacon 
Also be sure to check out the bar, which cream). The syrups lined up on every and butter sauce, and saut́ed mush- 

is cleverly cantilevered over the river.
table include not merely maple but also rooms and onions. More than a dozen 
information: (865) 436–5794; www. cinnamon cream, blueberry, orange, and additional trout dishes on the menu
even peanut butter. If you insist on or-
will compete for your attention, includ-

a tall stack of 
lap-jacks from the 

Pancake Pantry will 
satisfy the heartiest 

lunch, or dinner!

may  june 2014

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