Page 9 - Cityview_May_June_2014
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Plenty of smartphone apps will What separates an independent Why is this year the ideal time 

let me preview a room before I paint retailer like you from the to spruce up my house?

paint. How is this changing the big-box store?
paint shopping process?
Your home’s exterior needs to be 

Our mission statement says that thought of heavily. Decks will
It is a starting point, and that’s we are a service company that hap- need some attention, because of 

what it needs to be. I would pens to sell paint. We love to serve this winter’s wetness, and freezing 

never suggest that anybody pick a you. If you have a problem, we’ll and thawing. Also, watch for stress 
color of an app and commit to it. come to your house and resolve cracks. You’ll see lots of homes 

Because of the diferences in light the problem. Someone might be settling this year, because we got so 
sources and relection, that color painting the deck and a pop-up much water last summer. It rained 

looks diferent in your house and shower comes through. It damages and rained, and that caused the 

my house.
the deck, and they need to know earth to settle. On the other hand, 
how to ix it. With a big-box store, people are starting to build again, 

he thing about color is that we you won’t have someone come into and new construction is getting 
can carry scents, we can carry your house and hold your hand people excited about their homes. 

numbers, we can carry and while ixing the problem. And, hey see new trends and they’d like 
retain all sorts of information, since we’re professionals, color a change. We expect it’s going to be 

but we do not have the ability matching is something we really a great year.

to carry color. People in the hang our hat on. If you go to a big- 
industry might have an eye, but box store, you give them a color 
Our Businesses:
only because they do this every chip to match, and they’re going to 
day. We have interior design- put it on a machine that tells them Color Market - 9717 Kingston Pike
Bearden Decorating - 6739B Kingston Pike 
ers who have gone to school a color. Computers can’t do what 
R. C. Blinds & Designs - 9717 Kingston Pike
speciically to learn about color. our eyes can do. Matching color is 
hey’ll come out to your house an art—and big-box stores don’t Find more information at
and help you.
hire artists.

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