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comes pretty 


to me,” she says. 

“I get my 


from whatever 

is happening 

around me.”

From Tennessee to nyC
television shows. but she’s in no rush one of the concerns sunshine’s family 
More recently, sunshine was thrust when it comes to making decisions has is making sure she has as normal

into the spotlight almost overnight about her career.
of a childhood as possible. “it’s really 
when a video of her performing a cover “she wants to write her songs, sing her important to us for her to be able to be a 

of Jimmie rodgers’ classic “blue Yodel songs, and perform her songs,” says har- kid still,” says hill. “she has sleepovers 
no. 6,” at the sweetwater flea Market, well. “she doesn’t want a management with friends and does all the normal kid 

went viral in March. the video was team telling her what she has to play.”
stuff. she plays with dolls, but then gets 

picked up by huffington Post, TheBlaze. “she wants to play music, not be a real- on stage and makes it happen.”
com, glenn beck’s website, and ABC- ity tv star,” hill adds.
as for the future, harwell says, just to name a few.
With all of the writing and performing they’re just trying to take it one day
nbC flew sunshine and her band to that the band does (during april and May, at a time and not make any rushed 

new York City to perform on the Today there were 32 scheduled events), it’s hard decisions—though he does foresee a 

Show, and she was also featured on
to imagine how sunshine doesn’t burn move to nashville at some point. “for 
the Today Show in australia. “i got to out. but this is exactly how she likes it.
this kind of music, it’s just the place to 

see times square and all of those big “she plays music when we’re driv- be,” he says.
places,” says sunshine. “it was my first ing down the road,” says hill. “she sings but as always, sunshine isn’t focused 

time to visit new York City, but some- in the shower. she lives and breathes on anything other than the music. “i 

thing tells me it won’t be my last.”
this.” even when sitting alone at a table, guess i’ll just keep playing and see 
harwell says that since the video unaware that anyone might be within what happens next,” she says.

went viral, the phones have been ring- earshot, sunshine quietly sings to herself 
ing nonstop. sunshine has been offered while sipping on decaf coffee, a beverage Cort Gatliff 
is a recent graduate of the University 
everything from record deals to reality
she often drinks before she performs.
of Tennessee and a former Cityview intern.


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