Page 97 - Cityview_July_August_2014
P. 97

Strutting about the stage
attention from everyone in the room like for herself in the music industry—but 
wearing red cowboy boots and a light she’s dolly Parton or June Carter—all
on her own terms. in a world full of 

brown vintage dress, emilie hamil-
of whom she counts as her musical
digitized cookie-cutter pop stars shaped 
ton, more commonly known as emi role models. none of this is necessarily by record labels, sunshine’s authenticity 

sunshine, flashes a quick smile toward out of the ordinary in east tennessee, and earnest talent is a breath of fresh air 
the audience, followed by an enthusias- except for one thing: emi sunshine is 10 that represents the purity of the south. 

tic “hey y’all,” and then begins finger- years old.
ask her who her heroes are, and she’ll 

picking her ukulele with the skill and While most 10-year-old girls dream
respond without hesitation, “Well, i 
passion of a seasoned performer. during of making their debut on the disney have three: Johnny, June, and Jesus.”

her set, she sings about heartbreak, Channel like Miley Cyrus, or follow-
she’s been seen playing in Market 
faith, and even the dust bowl of the ing in the footsteps of country pop star square, at churches, on street corners, 

1930s. she croons like Johnny Cash, taylor swift, sunshine, a native of Madi- and in concert venues around east 

yodels like Jimmie rogers, and demands
sonville, tennessee, is creating a name
tennessee, and her goal is to one day

East Tennessee 

has found its 

next rising star 

in 10-year-old 

bluegrass singer 


youtube videos of emi sunshine have 
attracted thousands of views after

a video of her march performance
at the sweetwater flea market went 

viral over one weekend.

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