Page 30 - Cityview May-June 2017
P. 30

34 From the Publisher: Teamwork Cityview has seen many changes in 2017, and
there is much more to come as we grow and explore new endeavors.
36 Special from the Publisher: Paradynamics How we can transform our way of understanding what we “need” by taking time to actively listen to intuition.
40 From the Editor: Breaking Bread
A look into our relationship with food and the
importance of experiencing a diversity of dishes.
42 Around Town: Old Crow Medicine Show
As the band gets ready to embark on their Blonde
on Blonde tour, co-founder Critter Fuqua  lls Cityview in on the band’s backstory.
44 Social Calendar: Our Pick 7
The start of summer brings  ve di erent
festivals, a Run for Fun, and an evening with emerging artists in Knoxville.
46 The Seen
The Cancer Support Community presents original works of local artists, Ijams organizes a river clean-up, and KAPA urges folks to boogie and donate all night long.
52 Spiritual: The Willpower Guru Angelique Medow reminds us that we all
have willpower. It’s how we choose to focus it that’s important.
58 Insights: Understanding Food Labels Bruce Fox highlights both the right and wrong
ways to interpret GMO and organic food labels.
60 Arts
Artist Cynthia Markert uses plywood as a medium in her recreation of women from the 1890s to the 1930s.
70 Jurisprudence: The Secret Life of Moe Berg Former Tennessee Chief Justice Gary Wade tells
the story of a Major League Baseball player who was also an OSS Spy.
MAY  JUNE 2017
54 Local Politics George Korda puts Bill
Haslam in the spotlight: will he choose to run for a senate seat as his term limits approach?
Humor: The
Knoxonomist 56 The Knoxonomist helps
a confused reader
understand what a microaggression is—and
how she can avoid her entanglement in one.
Dining Out
62 Our food critic Brooks Clark feeds us insight on
Lonesome Dove Western Bistro, where you will be able to enjoy urban western cuisine as you are transported to an old-style saloon bar.
Allan Benton
Cityview editor Keith Norris chews the fat with renowned purveyor of smoked and cured meats Allan Benton.

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