Yearly Archives


Eat. Drink. Play.

The bowling alleys and arcades of yesteryear have nothing on our picks for this issue. We found four establishments where Knoxvillians can let their hair down for some good old-fashioned fun and games with stellar grub to match, like the

Fearless Advocates

The Disappearing Trial Attorney Will the growing trend of not going to trial lead to injustice? Life deals us some unexpected challenges, and hopefully yours will not be of the legal nature, but if they are, you may find yourself in

The Art of Ink

In the last decade, tattoos have taken the art world by storm. Tattoo artists have forgone paint and brushes for ink and iron. People use tattoos as a form of expression, remembrance, and symbolism. They range from small numbers and words,

They Called Him Chief

During the 1940s in the American South, Jim Crow laws segregated Americans. “Separate but equal” was the catch phrase. Black people were prohibited from using facilities designated for whites, such as water fountains, the “white section”

2019 Top Attorneys

There are, perhaps, no greater caretakers of the law than those who dedicate their lives to uncovering the intricacies contained in its meaning. They demonstrate an unwavering reverence to the rule of order. They seek to creatively…

Dog Days of Summer

Remember to be kind to your furry friends in the summer heat There’s nothing better than enjoying a sunny day outside with your dog. Going to the park and running together, or throwing a frisbee for your pet to chase, dogs and owners