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Top Attorneys

2024 Top Attorneys

When you’ve got a problem with your health — a heart issue or an eye problem or an ache that keeps you off your favorite hiking trail — you seek out a doctor who knows his or her stuff. There’s no point in seeing someone you don’t have

2023 Top Attorneys

I have been actively engaging with the legal community for more than 30 years. Before taking the helm at Cityview, I supervised mergers and acquisitions and brokered large commercial loans. Attorneys were a vital part of every

2022 Top Attorneys

I will never forget a local attorney telling me he thought the courtroom was a scary place, a place where he is unwilling to go. I couldn't help but think about how weak his position would be in a negotiation. The insurance company's

2020 Top Attorneys

When you’ve got a problem with your health — a heart issue or an eye problem or an ache that keeps you off your favorite hiking trail — you seek out a doctor who knows his — or her — stuff. There’s no point in seeing someone you don’t have…

Fearless Advocates

The Disappearing Trial Attorney Will the growing trend of not going to trial lead to injustice? Life deals us some unexpected challenges, and hopefully yours will not be of the legal nature, but if they are, you may find yourself in

2019 Top Attorneys

There are, perhaps, no greater caretakers of the law than those who dedicate their lives to uncovering the intricacies contained in its meaning. They demonstrate an unwavering reverence to the rule of order. They seek to creatively…