Page 126 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 126

above: the wooden countertop of the kitchen ingenious expanding circular table. The to hold cooking classes, and this is 

island offsets the marble tops of the other top is formed of six pull-out triangular most definitely a “cook’s kitchen.” The 
counters. custom cabinets by Ken allender segments with inset fold-out leaves farmhouse-style sink is stainless steel. 

utilize the space under the island, as well. expanding the table. “This will be an The refrigerator is refrigerator-only; 
below: the latest in kitchen technology makes heirloom,” says Randy. It’s offset by a the freezer is convenient in a room off 

the room functional as well as attractive.
dramatic chandelier perfectly in scale the back hallway.
with both the tables and the Arts and Shelby’s sister, gina Morrison, is a 

Crafts-style high wainscoting. The Master Kitchen Designer and worked 
wallpaper, from England, was chosen with Shelby and Randy on the design. 

by Paul Law of Law’s Interiors.
Ken Allender at Wildwood Custom 
Cabinets did the custom cabinetry 

throughout the house, and was imagina- 
A classic butler’s pantry connects the tive in creating pleasing surprises. For 

dining room to the kitchen. Randy, a example, the narrow end of an island is 
self-described oenophile, has glass- often unused space. Ken took that space 

fronted cabinets for wine glasses and and added very narrow shelving and 
plenty of storage. Walking into the two large, easy-to-open doors—perfect 

kitchen, you are struck by the center for spices or other small things a cook 
island, which is topped in a lustrous, would want to have at hand.

dark walnut. “It draws people in,”
The kitchen area flows into the 
says Shelby, “and this is the gather- enclosed porch. originally designed as 

ing place.” The walnut provides a nice a screened porch, the Trusleys decided 
contrast to the other marble-topped to enclose it. It was important to Shelby 

surfaces in the kitchen. Shelby likes
that it feel like an old house with a

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