Page 135 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
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there are many factors determining the cost
of your case, and you should never hesitate to
ask your lawyer about any concerns you have.
research to help get an idea of who to
call first.
The next step in finding legal rep-
resentation starts with a phone call to
the law offices you feel might be a good
fit for your case. Interview candidates
before you make a decision on which
attorney will best serve you. Schedule
a 30-minute initial consultation with your consultation, make certain that you case, your lawyer will take a percentage
your potential lawyer and ask questions establish how long it will take for the of what the court awards you. This type
related to your case. These meetings lawyer to return your communications. of fee is commonly seen in personal
shouldn’t come with a fee, because
Even if you have a wonderful working injury, property damage, and other
you might need to shop around before relationship with your lawyer, it can be high-dollar cases.
deciding on which lawyer is right for quite frustrating to find out that it takes Retainer fee: based on an hourly rate,
you, but sometimes they do—so make days or weeks to hear back from him
a retainer is a type of down payment for
sure you ask. The initial conversation or her if you have questions about your legal services. You will give the law-
with your potential lawyer should case. These interviews also allow for yer a sum up-front, and he or she will
include lots of questions. Some critical you to gauge the lawyer’s personality. It deduct their services from the fund. If
inquiries to make include:
is important that you feel comfortable you decide to forfeit the case before the
with the person who could potentially retainer fee has been used, however, the
• What is the most likely outcome of represent you in a court of law.
fee is generally nonrefundable.
my case?
It’s also important to consider the Whatever fee you are asked to pay,
cost of representation. Lawyers are make sure to get the agreement in writ-
• Will I be updated on the status of highly trained specialists, and their ing. Remember, just because a lawyer’s
my case, or will I need to contact services are typically not inexpensive. fees are inexpensive does not necessar-
the office periodically?
It is vital to discuss the expected cost ily mean you are getting a good deal.
of services during your first or second There are many factors determining
• Will I have direct contact with the consultation so you are not met with a the cost of your case, and you should
lawyer, or will communications be nasty surprise down the road.
never hesitate to ask your lawyer about
conducted through a paralegal?
There are several types of lawyers’ any concerns you have. After all, they
are working for you.
• How much can I expect to pay for Hourly rate: the most common way Choosing the best lawyer for you
the services?
you will be charged. These fees can has three important steps: research of
vary from lawyer-to-lawyer (and even available representation, consultation
When you meet with a lawyer in per- case-to-case with the same lawyer), of potential lawyers, and consideration
son, you’ll also be able to establish your but make certain you get an estimate of fees. Do your homework and trust
rapport with them. It is important that of how many hours the lawyer thinks your instincts, because your choice of
your lawyer be confident (did he or she your case will necessitate.
lawyer can make or break your case.
maintain eye contact, or were their eyes Flat fee: used when the course of the
glued to the ground?), experienced (find case is more predictable, such as the Marcos Garza is a Criminal Defense and Personal Injury
out similar cases he or she has repre- drafting of a will or filing for bankrupt- lawyer and is a graduate of the National Criminal Defense
sented in the past) and realistic (if they cy or divorce.
College Trial Practice Institute.
guarantee you a successful litigation, Contingent fee: there are no up-
they may not be very honest). During
front fees for you, but if you win your
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