Page 16 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 16


United for Giving
By Mark Spurlock :: The united Way of greater 

Knoxville provides a vital support system to Knoxville 
charities, enabling them to offer essential services to those 

in need in East Tennessee.

Three Cheers for the Smokies
By Katy Koontz :: Wine, ‘Shine, and Suds are some 

of the best ways to celebrate a cold winter in the Smokies— 
and they’re guaranteed to keep you warm!

62 The Anti-Cancer Mob: Cruciferous Vegetables

By Oana Harrison :: Looking for something healthy 
to eat this winter? The cruciferous family—including spinach, 

kale, and Brussels sprouts—will lower your risk of cancer and 
provide a hearty meal for you and your family.

68 Semper Vitalis
Top Entrepreneurs 2014

By Brooks Clark :: The first entry in our new East By Steven Friedlander and Meghan
Tennessee Veterans series follows Marine Col. (retired) Ed McDonald :: Entrepreneurialism has kept 

Penico on his path from the Pacific Theater of World War II, Knoxville’s economy strong and given our city a sense 
around the world, and all the way to Knoxville.
of purpose. This year’s Top Entrepreneurs celebrates

10 Knoxvillians who are moving forward to seize their 
72 Caribbean Dream
opportunities—no matter what.

By Nathan Sparks :: If you’re looking for a sailing 
adventure, don’t look any further than the Spanish Virgin 

Islands. Turn here for the top five must-see spots.

PLUS: The Benefields return home from their toP DoCs 2013 – KnoXVILLE’s BEst DoCtoRs 
adventures far afield.

114 On the Level?
Physicians Speak Out on 
By Mark Spurlock :: You elect your politicians
Healthcare Reform
to protect you and your interests. But an upcoming bill in the Saving Catarina: Knoxville 
Docs Step in to Save a Life
Tennessee state legislature aims to take money from responsible Why Green Tea Should Be Your The Cityview Interview You Don’t Know
citizens—and give it to Big Insurance instead.
An Eye-Opening Conversation with the Sasquatch-Seeking, Metal-Detecting, Debt-Slashing Knox County Mayor
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It’s Not Complicated
Cityview’s 30th Anniversary
By Karen Clark :: Shelby and Randy Trusley have 
built and renovated houses for many years—but their dream By Sarah H. Clark :: Take a trip

house is a simple, welcoming Craftsman-style home.
through time with us all the way from 
Cityview’s founding in 1984 to its 30th anniversary

this year. People say print is dying—but after all these 
years, we’re still standing strong.

14 january  february 2014

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