Page 181 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 181

Clean Water is What Floats our Boat.

We’re The Guardians of the Lake. 
Our Passion Runs Deep!

The Fort Loudoun Lake Association
We REMOVE trash and debris Visit or 
(FLLA) helps keep YOUR waterways We EDUCATE the community to see us in action and ind out how you can help maintain 
clean and safe.
We MONITOR water quality
safe, clean, beautiful waterways in our community.

We’re a non-proit, non-governmental agency that thrives on donations. G E T
I N V O L V E D ! (865) 523-3800

munity to stay involved and connected to understand the effects of its behav- and reusing it to hydrate your lawn is 
the organization.
ior on the lake—and then to behave a great way to prevent harmful runoff 

The FLLAKE also focuses on raising differently. “We want to help people reaching the lake,” says Howard. (The 
awareness throughout the community change behavior so they stop know- FLLAKE offers several workshops 

about how to keep the lake and river ingly or unknowingly polluting our throughout the year to help you get 
clean for many years to come. Eliminat- river, and to educate our youth to started.) You can also educate your- 

ing trash and littering is a step in the right avoid bad practices throughout their self, your children, and your neighbors 
direction, says Howard, but there are also lives,” says Howard. She asks that to be aware of the impact you are hav- 

problems that you can’t see. Though the Knoxvillians simply be conscious of ing on the environment. You can also 
river has been cleaned up due to EPA where trash and water runoff is go- contribute to the effort by donating 

regulations, runoff from agriculture and ing. “It’s not so much about the beer time and money to the FLLAKE. With 
industry, as well as runoff from neighbor- drinker on the lake throwing a bottle additional funding, the organization 

hoods, businesses, and parking lots, can in, its the huge Volunteer crowd can hire new staff to help monitor
cause serious harm. “People often don’t tailgating and throwing trash around, the river, continue to raise awareness 

realize that when you pressure wash your into First Creek, Second Creek, Third about the importance of keeping Fort 
home, or wash your car, the chemicals Creek—and that ends up in our lake. Loudoun Lake clean, and maybe some- 

you use to clean flow down your driveway First Creek, down by Volunteer Land- day extend their efforts to protecting 
and into the sewer and then into the lakes ing, is consistently filled with trash,” more of the Tennessee River for future 

and rivers,” says Howard.
she says.
generations to enjoy.
The goal of FLLAKE’s advocacy So what can we do? “People can 

initiatives is to help the community
use rain barrels. Capturing rain water march 6-9, 2014 35

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