Page 188 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 188



n this day and age, your wed- How much will it cost for
ding cake can truly be an all of my guests?

expression of your personal
An elaborate layer cake can be very 
style—and it doesn’t even have to
expensive—especially if it’s large 

be an actual cake! When deciding enough to give all 300 of your clos- 

whether your dessert table will be est friends and family a slice. If your 
dominated by a gorgeous layer cake heart is set on an elaborate tiered 

or whether you’ll share the spotlight confection, consider supplementing 
with a variety of tasty treats, ask it with sheet cake, other desserts, or 

yourself these questions before you a groom’s cake.
start calling all the bakers in town:

How will it it in with the other 

What do we actually want to eat?
reception activities?
Do you hate cake—but love apple pie Think about when the cake cutting 

more than anything? Why not ditch will occur during the reception.
tradition and make the dessert table Is it going to interrupt the five 

your own? Or have you been watch- hours on the dance floor you 

ing the Food Network’s Cupcake have planned? Then keep
Wars since 2010 and always dreamed the slices small and the 

of a cupcake tower of your very own? texture airy. Is cutting
This is your chance to throw a party the cake the finale of 

just the way you want it, so don’t your magical evening, 

throw that away on worrying about after which you’ll drive 
following the latest trend.
away as man and wife? 

Then pay attention
at your cake tasting, 

because you’ll want 
your friends to leave 

the party with a sweet 

taste in their mouths.

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