Page 6 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 6


2014 Workplace Trends and Issues

Businesses of all sizes
In 2003, when SourcePointe irst Vision – I have never been a person 

started, a company had roughly a that relects on the present or past too 
will face increasing HR challenges
couple of dozen federal, state and local long. Our ability for us to look beyond 

in 2014, according to Robby Pierce, employment laws to comply with. We our current situation and where we 
founder and President of SourcePointe. now have more than 80 such laws
want to be in the future is discussed 

SourcePointe is a human resources to comply with and no end in sight.
almost daily. We are constantly 

outsourcing irm that provides HR In addition, this recession has seen challenging ourselves to develop new 
operational and strategic solutions many companies either be forced
service oferings for our clients. For 

including regulatory compliance, to reduce their work force or look at example, implementation of a new, 
payroll and beneits administration. alternative ways of doing business. document storage for our clients and 

They opened their Knoxville operations We saw many HR related jobs and their employees will be introduced in 

in 2009 and handle HR matters for functions eliminated during this time early 2014 and we are working on more 
clients with employees in thirty two and other companies for the first time software enhancements for 2015. We 

states. Corporate headquarters are in looking at alternative ways of doing know it’s imperative they we stay ahead 
Birmingham, Alabama.
business, ultimately allowing them
of the curve in our industry and create 

to reduce their internal expenses by our own best practices along the way.

Pierce recently talked with Cityview outsourcing certain HR functions 
about industry trends and issues that while focusing and expending all
Adaptability – This recession has been 

are facing businesses large and small.
of their energy on the revenue a true test on companies and how they 
producing areas of the company.
have been able to adapt to the obstacles 

3presented them. I remember our client 
Three Questions 3. As the President of SourcePointe base in 2009 consisted basically of

with SourcePointe founder what qualities have you instilled in two types of clients; ones that were 

and President, Robby Pierce:
your own workforce?
willing to adapt and ones that weren’t 
willing to adapt. We knew in order to 

1. What is the hottest workforce Passion - I would have to say it help those clients willing to adapt and 
issue facing companies today?
starts with a burning passion in what ultimately achieve their goals, we were 

we do. I was fortunate to have some going to have to change and adapt to

The Afordable Care Act. Providing owner experience in starting and a diferent way of doing business, as 
health insurance for employees has later selling two other companies well. Ironically, it all started when we 

been a fundamental of workplace prior to SourcePointe.
changed our own mindset. Our company 
beneits packages for many years made a commitment to our current

and employers face tough decisions. Although both companies grew rapidly, and future client base that we were 

The days of juggling a few line items neither company provided any real going to refuse to participate in this 
to adjust for increases are gone. satisfaction or passion in the products recession. As a result, every employee 

Companies are having to explore and services we were ofering. It was bought into this mindset resulting
creative solutions.
pretty much a commodity and we were in a 30% plus increase in revenue

no diferent than any other company every year thereafter. I believe that for 
2. How have workplace trends like ours. This lack of passion in what every diicult situation a company is 

afected the growth of your we did ultimately led to the start of presented with, there is a silver lining in 

SourcePointe. I knew the future success it somewhere and you just have to adapt 
of SourcePointe relied on the passion accordingly to ind it.
The outsourcing industry in general has and belief in what we do for our clients. 
experienced tremendous growth over In order for us to continue to grow and 

the last decade or so. Several factors be successful, we have to make sure our To ind out more about how SourcePointe can 

have led companies and business clients continue to grow and succeed. help your business call Cary Francis at
owners alike to outsource all or at least Simply put, we all love what we do and (865) 406-3792 or visit SourcePointe’s 

some of their Human Resources (HR) to we know our clients’ future depends on website
a company like ours.
this passion.


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