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efit the American Eagle Foundation. the gold award in a recent Wines of Tennessee nature photographer Patri- 
The AEF is a non-profit organization the South competition.
cia Ferguson, grace each bottle.

headquartered in Dollywood that was While you’re here, explore the rest Mountain Valley Winery (www. 
founded to develop and conduct bald of the Apple Barn complex, which; 865-453- 

eagle and environmental recovery pro- includes two extremely popular 6334) in Pigeon Forge specializes in 
grams in the united States and to assist restaurants (Applewood Farmhouse French-style and german-style wines. 

private, state, and federal eagle recov- and Applewood Farmhouse grill), the The selection includes Chardonnay, 
ery projects. Five dollars from every Apple Barn gift shop and cider mill, an Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, and 

bottle sold goes to the foundation.
ice cream shop, a Christmas shop, and a Mountain Valley White (a medium 
Apple Barn Winery ( candy apple and chocolate shop.
sweet german-style offering). You’ll; 865-428-6850) in Hillside Winery (www.hillsidewine. find several fruit wines here, as well, 
Sevierville is part of the Applewood com; 865-908-8482) in Sevierville including Rhubarb and Mountain 

Farms complex, so you won’t be specializes in both sparkling wines Peach, as well as the popular Moun- 
surprised to learn that it specializes in and Italian-style wines. Their Hillside tain Muscadine.

sweeter fruit wines. of the 14 different Spumante, Raspberry Frizzante,
Sugarland Cellars (www.sugarland- 
wines for sale here, most contain at and Peach Bellini are the best of the; 865-325-1110), a stone’s 

least some apple, although the Cab- bubblies, while sipping the Pinot grigio throw from the national park entrance 
ernet Sauvignon and the Merlot are and the Sangiovese will have you singing in gatlinburg, is only a few years

prize-winning holdouts. Some of the “o Sole Mio” in no time. Try the cleverly old and specializes in Scandinavian- 
more popular products at Apple Barn named Black and Blue wine, a blend of style wines made with high-altitude 

Winery include the Apple-Raspberry blackberries and blueberries.
grapes. The wines here all have clever 
wine (a medium-sweet apple wine Do be sure to check out the gorgeous names based on colorful local lore. 

blended with raspberry juice), and the wine labels while you’re here. Fabulous For example, Sugarland Cellers sells a 
Apple-Strawberry wine, which won
photographs of butterflies, created by
dry red named simply 1802 (the year

from Smoky mountain 

winery, founded in 

1981 as the irst winery 

in the state, to eagle 

Springs winery, which 

opened just last year, 

the making of ine local 

wines is a tradition 

that can make east 

tennesseeans proud.

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