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Mike Copeland 

President, Flight Choice

Former B-52 pilot Mike Co- 

peland makes flying hassle free. 
Whether business or pleasure 

calls, Flight Choice, the charter 

service he started in 2005, can 
take Knoxvillians or their cargo to 

more than 2,000 regional and local 
city airports. Before Flight Choice, 

Copeland had captained domestic 

and international flights for U.S. 
Airways for 20 years. Now, as 

director of operations and chief pi- 
“Undoubtedly, lot, he oversees day-to-day opera- 

tions, ensures safety, and super- 
my most 
vises the other pilots. The benefits 
memorable of traveling with Flight Choice? 

Travel days can be business days. 
Or fun days. There are no time- 

consuming check-ins, security 
tests, and boarding rituals to deal 
are when 
with. No stops in out-of-your-way 

we take our
cities to catch a connection. “The 
greatest part of this business,”

Make-A-Wish says Copeland, “is being able to 
take care of a travel or logistics 

kids to have issue that the customer may have.” 

Plus, of course, being direct means 
their wishes
saving money, and Copeland 

emphasizes the affordability of his 
company’s services. Flight Choice 

is available 24/7, 365 days of the 

year, and the client’s schedule is 
the company’s schedule. “When 

we get a call at 1:00 a.m., we are 
able to be airborne within 45 min- 

utes to deliver parts or transport 
people,” says Copeland.

january  february 2014

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