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September October 2023

Northshore Nursery

Creating Beauty Through Sustainable Landscapes Professionals and Homeowners alike rely on the staff at Northshore Nursery for all their landscape needs. Summer heat is finally starting to wane, days are shortening, and there is the

Obed Treasure

Stories of the riches found in the ocean deep and on the side of East Tennessee cliffs Del Scruggs was in his twenties when he caught wind of what was going on in Florida. Whispers of buried treasure wafted up the hollers of East

The Call

The State of Tennessee was in crisis. On Tuesday, January 16, 1979, the news media reported that the outgoing Governor, Democrat Ray Blanton, had the day before commuted the sentence of a convicted double murderer by the name of Roger

Parental Consent

Voices build momentum after Tennessee’s mature minor law gets a clarification from the governor The extent of the state’s ability to decide that minors of a certain age can make their own medical decisions while keeping their parents in

New Eats

The year is far from over, but 2023 has brought fresh eateries for us all to indulge in To say I’m impressed with the 2023 additions would be an understatement. From a renovated church to a multi-level brew pub, East Tennessee