Page 103 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 103

The September 2001 issue 
The cover of the September issue TV evening anchor Lori Tucker—who
was a real turning
provocatively proclaimed “Pamela also happened to be the subject of an 

point for Cityview. The Reed Exposed! Vamp or Victim?” over article slated for the September issue of 
latest breaking scandal at the time was a photo of Reed wearing a bustier of Cityview. “Reed called me every name 

the relationship between university
red and white roses.
you could think of, and said the media 
of Tennessee employee Pamela Reed were all low-lifes and schmucks for the 

and then-university president Wade abuse they were laying on her for what 

gilley. “We had published a small she maintained was her personal life,” 
cartoon [by Alexei Chtykhine] in the says Sparks. He countered by offering 

July/August issue of Pamela Reed sitting her an outlet to present her own side of 
at a computer writing love letters to the story. She agreed.

gilley as a preview of our coverage to The resulting interview, which fea- 

come,” says Sparks. The caption read, tured photos of Reed dressed in angelic 
“As the old saying goes, ‘Don’t mix white and seductive red—and which 

business with pleasure.’ We look into the disclosed the name of the individual who 
aftermath of the Pam Reed and Wade had hacked into Reed’s computer server 

gilley situation.”
and revealed the emails between Reed 
Shortly thereafter, as he and Pirkle and President gilley—took Knoxville

were sitting in the Cityview office by storm. “This issue was the talk of the 

one afternoon, they received a phone town,” says Sparks. “For ten days, I don’t 
call from Reed. At the time, the only think there was anybody who didn’t 

member of the media who had been know what Cityview was or who wasn’t 
able to speak with Reed was WATE
trying to get their hands on an issue.”

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