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2014 Downtown Knoxville boatshow

Getting on the Water—Legally

by Damion Huntoon
study guide can be obtained by phone stores, bait stores, and marinas. The 

at 615-781-6682, by mail from the Boat- $10 permit will be your entry ticket 
For any boater or fisherman look- ing Division of the TWRA, Po Box into the exam. Hold on to the receipt

ing forward to enjoying the lakes and 40747, Nashville, TN 37204, or by log- of the permit because if passed, it will 
rivers of Tennessee, knowledge of state ging on to access an online study guide serve as a temporary boat safety certifi- 

regulations is a must. Current policy, at
cate until a state-issued certificate ar- 
along with annual regulations and fish- For out-of-state boaters, the TWRA rives in the mail; the official wallet card 

ing limits, can change—and the State of will accept any NASBLA-approved boat- takes a few weeks. After obtaining the 
Tennessee suggests that you keep up to ing safety certificate. Anyone born be- certificate, it must be present on the 

date. Here are the basics for ensur-
fore the deadline—whether a Tennessee pilot at all times. If your boating safety 
ing that both you and your vessel are or out-of-state resident—may operate card is lost or stolen, you may purchase 

legally registered for the waterways.
their boat without any licensing.
a Type 605 license for $5 from a license 
Exam location lists are broken into agent. The duplicate will take about 
Boating Certiicates
four different regions across Tennes- two weeks to arrive.
The Tennessee Wildlife Resources see. In Eastern Tennessee [Region 4] 
Boating Registration
Agency (TWRA) has recently made only two counties—Knox and Sevier— 
changes in its boating licensing rules. have regular boat safety class locations, The first step in lawfully registering 

Currently, anyone wishing to operate a while all other counties are by appoint- your vessel in the state of Tennessee is a 
boat and who was born after January 1, ment only. A list of contact information trip to the County Clerk’s office or your 

1989, is responsible for owning a Boat- in order to schedule a test for each local boat dealership. There you can ob- 
ing Safety Education Certificate. To county can be found at tain a state registration application. To 

acquire the certificate, you must take twra/boatexamreg4.html. The applicant prove all taxes have been paid, a bill of 
the TWRA’s Boater’s Safety Education must be at least 12 years old.
sale will be required upon submission. 

course. These classes are designed to After studying, a Type 600 Boating Your local dealer—if you buy at the deal- 
teach boaters proper pilot conduct
Safety Exam Permit must be purchased ership—or the County Clerk must stamp 

and laws pertaining to the vessel’s safe from a licensed agent. The permit can your registration application before it
operation. To study for the test, a free
be purchased at most sporting goods
is mailed (the address is conveniently 

printed on the application).
The state of Tennessee requires all 

mechanically powered vessels and sail- 
boats to be registered. Canoes, kayaks, 

and rowboats do not require documen- 
tation. Registration fees are determined 

by length of the boat in four catego- 
ries—less than 16 feet, 16 to 24 feet, 26 

to 40 feet, and 50 feet or longer. Dura- 
tion of registration is also a factor in 

price because the state allows for one-, 
two-, and three-year registrations.

If lost or stolen, a registration copy 
form can be checked “duplicate” and 

mailed with a $6 fee and documenta- 
tion of the boat’s Hull ID number. 

Renewals and replacements can be 
submitted—for a small fee—online at

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