Page 176 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
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2014 Downtown Knoxville boatshow

Harbortowne Marine

The city of Vonore, Tennessee, is big for service and sales, and a CSX rail of the American Boat and Yacht Council, 

on boating, and Harbortowne Marine, spur. Boat winterizing is no problem a nonprofit that sets safety standards for 
located in Vonore, specializes in big for Harbortowne, where watercraft can design, construction, repair, and mainte- 

boats. A yacht brokerage with full service, be dry-docked or stored beneath the nance of boats. Its owner is also a certi- 
launching, and storage facilities, this lake- covered docks.
fied marina manager, with the Associa- 

side destination has everything needed to Quality is important to Harbor- tion of Marina Industries, a nonprofit 
begin a successful boating season.
towne’s dedicated service team, which that coordinates the only internationally 

Located on beautiful Tellico Lake, is qualified to service a variety of brands recognized certification and training for 
near mile marker 19, Harbortowne of- and equipment, including Yamaha, marina managers.

fers dockside and dry-dock service on Suzuki, Honda, and Mercury outboard What separates Harbortowne from 
a waterway that’s connected to a series motors; Mercruiser, Volvo, oMC, West- the competition, besides its consistent 

of rivers that can take you from Knox- erbeke, Kohler, Yanmar, Marine Power, quality? An unparalleled dedication
ville all the way to the gulf of Mexico— Caterpillar Marine, Detroit Marine, and to yacht services. Facilities are fully 

and its location along the edge of the many more diesel units; and Marine
equipped to handle every yacht owner’s 
great Smoky Mountains provides boat- Air on-board heating/cooling systems. needs, including delivery, captain and 

ers with scenery that’s unrivaled.
Harbortowne’s team can also keep boats maintenance services, and repair ex- 
So, too, is the service team and the looking like new, with services such
pertise to keep that yacht looking and 

marine facilities. No craft is too big as bottom, hull, and topside painting; working like new.
here, where the largest boatlift in East- blister repairs and gelcoat peeling; com- When you’re ready to buy or sell a

ern Tennessee can haul watercraft that plete boat detailing; and marine surveys new yacht, cruiser, personal watercraft, 
are up to 100 feet long. Harbortowne and inspections. Technicians can handle or houseboat, Harbortowne’s dedicated 

also maintains one 80-ton travel lift a variety of other repair needs, including yacht brokerage is ready to help. Broker 
and two 30-ton travel lifts, capable of welding/fabrications, repower, canvas, Scott Clements helps customers across 

handling most any boat. Harbortowne’s and upholstery.
the southeast, and around the country, to 
dockside facility also offers a full-ser- Harbortowne proudly bears the rec- discover their next watercraft, and to find 

vice barge terminal, 30 covered docks
ognition of quality service. It’s a member
a buyer for their previous model. Harbor- 
towne can help to arrange for transport- 

ing and shipping of your new watercraft, 
and it provides salvage and towing when 

needed. For a full, up-to-date listing of 
Harbortowne’s current inventory, visit
The dedicated team at Harbortowne 

carries more than 60 years of experi- 
ence in marine and yachting services, 

including nearly 30 years from owner 
Tony Hale. A real estate developer, Hale 

has been involved with marine services 
in one way or another since the 1980s. 

He launched Harbortowne in 2007.
There’s never a time like now to find 

your next yacht and yacht maintenance 
team, and there’s no place like Tellico 

Lake to find a quality dockside helper. 
Discover Harbortowne Marine for 

yourself, in person or online, at www.

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