Page 10 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 10
Kids Are Active, But They Do Rest!
TERMITES DON’T.They Eat 24/7!
feast upon! If you spot some-
thing inside your home that looks
like a winged or lying ant, don’t
dismiss it, for you may have a
termite problem.
A termite colony can often
harbor up to two million mem-
bers, and they build distinctive
“mud tubes” to gain access
Termites are also called “silent to food sources and protect
destroyers” because they can be themselves from open air. They
chewing through wood, loor- are very sneaky, for they hide in
ing, and even walls undetected! unexpected places while doing
Residing in large colonies, they their damage.
• Swarmingtermites
can cause serious structural dam- Dayton’s professionals know
age to a home in a fairly short exactly what to look for in inside your home
• Pilesofdiscardedwings
period of time. As our weather detecting termites, and they will
gets warmer, you will start seeing recommend which speciic treat- • Mud shelter tubes on
swarms of termites as they seek ment option is best to protect the home’s structure
new structures to invade and
your property.
• Damaged wood baseboards,
window trim, or sheetrock
• Softwoodinthehomethatfeels
spongy or soft when tapped