Page 11 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 11
What’s Drilling
Holes In My Wood?
Carpenter bees get their name Carpenter bees drill round,
from boring into wood like a smooth holes into decks, porch- SPECIAL OFFERS
carpenter. They look like bumble es, and other wood structures.
bees but often lack yellow stripes. Simply plugging these holes
An easy way to tell the difference is WILL NOT WORK, for they will just
that a carpenter bee has a shiny ab- come back and drill new holes. OFF
domen with no hair while a bumble The best way to protect your
bee has hair on the abdomen.
home from structural damage
Female carpenter bees bore caused by carpenter bees is to Termite Treatment
circular holes through soft wood call Dayton’s for a professional
to lay eggs and protect their lar- pest control treatment.
vae as they develop. Sometimes Other services provided by
their tunnels can be longer than Dayton’s include convenient
ten feet, and they will often return perimeter pest control, monthly/
to the same structure year after quarterly/one-time pest control
year. They are a serious property services, mosquito treatment
threat and can cause structural (May-Oct), pest control for ants/
damage over time if left untreat- wasps/bedbugs, etc., VA/FHA
ed. Male carpenter
termite inspec-
bees can be territo-
tions, fungicide/ $50 OFF
rial and may hover
moldicide treat-
around your head,
ments, Clean-
but they do not have
Space® Crawl Carpenter Bee Treatment
stingers, and these
Space Encapsula-
actions are merely
tion, and radon
for show.
Both Offers Expire 5/31/14.
Major credit cards accepted.