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Paul Fain and the APC team
The People you choose should strive to live up to their founder’s Simply put, the key measure of our
make a diference: At Asset Planning standard of excellence, frequently performance is, “Do our clients reach their
Corporation (APC), we believe that our being ranked and rated as one of the goals?”Wealth management is about
people serve our clients with purpose best inancial advisory irms in the lifestyle. It’s not about rate of return.
and meaning.
country (Bloomberg Wealth Manager Successful investing comes from
Who should I trust? Who will best magazine, Investment Advisor knowing why you want to invest,
serve my needs? What credentials magazine,
accepting that there are no short-
matter? The inancial advice business is cuts, and engaging in a long-term,
now a crowded, and often confusing, disciplined process that is guided by
marketplace for consumers.
Wealth management is a sophisti- empirically-validated knowledge. This
Asset Planning Corporation (APC) is cated combination of inancial plan- is what we ofer.
an independent advisory irm founded ning, investment management, and
in 1975 by the late inancial plan-
personal relationship.
Our team approach will help you:
• Organize your inancial life.
ning pioneer P. Kemp Fain, Jr. Several When the power of the inancial
years earlier, in 1972, Kemp became planning process is combined with a • Plan your inancial future.
the irst candidate for the Certiied rigorous and disciplined approach to • Access another “brain” to help you in
Financial Planner M designation. Today, investment management the results your decisions.
four decades later, Paul Fain, III, CFP®, can be exquisite. Our process is both • Match your investments to your
President, continues the tradition of ex- art and science. Before learning about
personal goals.
cellence. “APC is a living tapestry that your income and your assets, we learn
• Develop an investment policy that
weaves together a rich legacy going about you: your personal values and balances returns and your personal
back to the roots of the inancial plan- philosophy, your hopes and dreams risk tolerance.
ning movement with a modern wealth (and, yes, your fears and regrets), your • Enjoy the peace of mind that comes
management oice,” says Paul.
story. We work to discover how you de-
from expert and trusted advice.
APC continually strives to be rel- ine success as well as what brings you
evant, to provide value to its clients,
meaning and fulillment. We devote
Asset Planning Corporation is pres-
to organize its wealth management an entire meeting to this conversation. ently accepting new clients in the irst
service around the profession’s “best Many clients have told us that this step half of 2014. We invite you to visit
practices.” The irm promotes staf alone is worth our fee for services.
with us, to share a cup of cofee, to get
learning and development throughout The inancial planning process to know us, and to ind out why APC
the year – attending multiple confer-
becomes the road map, showing you has many clients who have been loyal
ences and trainings. The Financial Plan- what you need to do to reach your service relationships for more than 30
ning Association’s advanced planner destination successfully, while invest- years and spanning multiple family
conference, called FPA Retreat, attracts ment management ensures you have generations.
200-250 of the best and the brightest enough money to do so.
“Putting our clients irst” is not a
inancial planners in the world – Fain We invest in ways that enable broad catchy tagline. It’s how we operate.
emphasizes, “Our goal is to have an diversity, low costs and appropriate Managing personal wealth must be
APC planner at that conference every levels of risk. Our approach — what we collaborative and our mission is to
year.” He chaired the FPA Retreat’s call the “science of investing” — is one help you address the responsibilities
organizing committee in 2007.
that values evidence over emotion and of wealth so that you may reach your
Each year, the FPA presents the
values decades of academic research goals and create the life you want.
“P. Kemp Fain, Jr. Award” to annually over the luctuating opinions that We live in volatile and uncertain
recognize an individual who has made dominate the inancial news.
times. You need a plan for your
outstanding contributions to the inances and your portfolio. Dream big
inancial planning profession in the and live your best life.
areas of service to society, academia, Our Wealth Management service is
government and professional activi- ofered as an integrated service for a
ties, and upholds the core values of fee. Benchmark surveys validate that
competence, integrity, relationships APC’s fee structure provides an excel-
and stewardship.
lent value to our clients.
234 S. Peters Road, Suite 102 • Knoxville, TN 37923
865-690-1231 • Toll Free: 888-690-1231