Page 102 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 102

top docs 

On the Record:



compiled and edited by Sarah H. clark

with contributions by Dr. john H. acker (cardiology), Dr. william burkhart (family Practice), 

Dr. james choo (Pain medicine), Dr. monica crane (geriatric medicine),
Dr. Susan Dodd (obstetrics/gynecology), and Summit medical group ceo tim young.

The healthcare landscape in the united States is always changing—but

the past year has been particularly tumultuous as the Affordable Care Act 
exchanges launched, insurance plans have come and gone, and more questions 

than answers have emerged about the ongoing effects of healthcare legislation.

Closer to home, many East Tennesseans are faced with uncertainties 
about their health and access to healthcare. Can I afford healthcare? Will my 

appointment be long enough to address my concerns? Will my current doctors 
accept my insurance plan? Cityview asked five of our Top doctors to address 

these concerns and more—from an insider’s perspective in the medical field.

During the past 10 years, each day, and adding hours at the end of Choo: There is certainly more pres- 
has your time spent with the office day to finish the “paperwork.” sure for the physician to speed through 

individual patients during I also have had to limit the number of an interview or an encounter with 
an appointment increased, 
appointments and also limit the number patients. Physicians allocate more and 
decreased, or remained of new patients I have the opportunity more time to meet the various demands 

the same? Why do you to see. I have tried to also limit the that do not involve direct patient care. 
think that is?
distraction of electronic medical records Those demands include documenta- 

during the appointment time.
tion for insurance claims, Medicare 

Acker: over the past 10 years,
requirements for Meaningful use and 
the time spent with individual Burkhart: I think it is about the same, electronic medical records, Workman’s 

patients during an appointment has although slightly diminished. The Compensation protocols, preauthoriza- 
probably remained the same or perhaps problem we have is with lack of primary tions for medications and services, dic- 

increased slightly. I have cared for many care services, more people are looking tations, and various other administra- 

of my patients for decades and enjoy for doctors to take care of their basic tive responsibilities. The complexity of 
their visit. unfortunately, particularly needs. With increasing deductibles, co- the various agencies’ demands—wheth- 

with the requirement to use electronic payments, and so on, people are saving er they be hIPAA, oShA, JAhCo, 
medical records, to maintain this time,
their problems for one office visit. This TennCare, private insurance, and now 

I have had to change my schedule by definitely compresses the amount of ACA panels—seem to change on a daily 
seeing a smaller number of patients
time available for each problem.
basis, and if physicians do not keep up

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