Page 132 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 132

[Left] the ofice, with windows overlooking union 

avenue, works with the shape of the space. 
[Right] with a backsplash of native river rock, the 

walk-in shower and tub are relaxing and inviting.

avid A. Brown is a university above 2 Market Square, he knew he’d trification and living close to work as the 

of Tennessee alum with family found just the place.
main reasons, but in brown’s case, it was 
living in Knoxville. his work as the It’s no secret that Knoxville is expe- all about friends and family.

Chief operating officer at genesee
riencing the same surge in downtown his daughter, Rebecca Nutter, is an AP 
& Wyoming, a railroad holding company, living as the rest of the country. data history and leadership teacher at bearden 

requires him to travel extensively, and
from the u.S. Census bureau 2010 census high School, son Jonathan brown is a uT 
he wanted a place in Knoxville where
reports that about 6 percent of America’s graduate student in marine biology as well 

his children could enjoy downtown and 258 million metro-area populations are as a certified diver for the Ripley Aquarium, 
entertain friends. When he saw the space
living in downtowns. Experts cite gen-
and daughter Caroline brown, a uT senior,

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