Page 134 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 134

the loft’s kitchen makes use of a small space 

eficiently without sacriicing any of the 
conveniences of modern life. the concrete tile 

backsplash is custom made and one-of-a-kind.

fisher found a property for sale on condition. brown and fisher decided to Even though this is a new renova-
Market Square. The entrance is located “demo” down to the brick and reimagine tion, the residence looks and feels like 

at 325 union Avenue, with two adjoining the space. Much of the old material was one that has been there for years. brown 
buildings along union leading to Market reserved and re-used during the renova- and fisher used slate and old brick for 

Square. They combined all three build- tion. brett honeycutt at 3g Studios was the flooring, and alder, burl, and tiger 
ings to make one loft. The new property the architect on the project, and fisher wood everywhere—along with copper 

is called 2 Market Square.
lauds the project manager Eric huffst- and iron for doors, trim, and cabinetry, 
edler for his tireless work. “he was here taking advantage of its naturally dis- 
every single day scheduling and organiz- tressed appearance. Although the overall 
fisher is researching the history of ing all the subs and contractors. Quite a look—brown walls and heavy dining room 

the early 1900s building, which has been job to put up with all that and me, a Type furniture—is definitely masculine, there 
through many iterations and was in poor
A Perfectionist!” she says.
are eclectic touches and striking pops

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