Page 140 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 140

the dining room its seemlessly with the kitchen 
and allows for both formal and informal dining. 

the art on the walls relects brown’s work-inspired 

interest in trains and railways.

Shade Company tuck away to allow the time, and this looks like a perfect place for from the large dining area, two steps 

natural light and beauty of the brick and a Saturday morning breakfast. Thermador lead up into the main living space, which 
woodwork to shine.
appliances in stainless steel complement features three distinct seating areas. In

the custom concrete tile backsplash and the first, on the left, four beautiful dark- 
hammered copper range hood and farm- turquoise quilted leather chairs surround

Walking back across the landing, you house-style sink. The concrete tiles were a tiger wood and alligator leather table. on 
step up two brick steps to the main living designed by fisher and cast one-by-one by the right are an inlaid game table and four 

area. To your right is the open kitchen Justin Paulk. designer Victor Costantino chairs. directly ahead, the large sofa and 
area, with a substantial concrete-and- at dixie Kitchen worked with fisher to chairs make up the main part of this space— 

granite counter that serves both as a create the custom cabinetry in distressed a perfect place to watch a game or spend 
countertop and dining space for the six alder wood. fisher’s background in kitch- time with friends. An abundance of artwork 

large bar stools on one side. brown wanted en design can be seen here; it is a practical depicts trains, which speak to brown’s 
his whole family to be able to sit at one
yet beautiful use of space and light.
work. A special favorite is a dramatic

138 maRcH  aPRiL 2014

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