Page 138 - Cityview_Jan_Feb_2014
P. 138

interior designer barrie fisher [pictured] worked 

with brown on his previous residence and played 

a leading role in locating this space and shaping 
it to it the needs of the whole family.

dow will soon feature a custom stained- you see in some European hotels—an 
The main staircase was the biggest glass piece by L’Jon Papillon depicting the ingenious “wet room”: a large slate-tiled 

challenge by far. It was originally built middle prong of the Little River. To the room that contains both steam showers 
as a steel tube frame with rough lumber right are two vintage brick steps leading and a free-standing bathtub. The back 

treads. The challenge was creating the up to the main living area. To the left is wall is river rock and reminder of brown’s 
paneling fisher envisioned on top of the the master suite. It’s a nice touch that this passion for the outdoors. ferguson’s pro- 

steel that could not be moved.
suite is on the union Avenue side, allow- vided all the fixtures. The walk-in closet 
The main staircase leading from the ing for more quiet and privacy.
and bathroom are great examples of 

street-level entry on union Avenue fea- The master suite is enclosed by two creative small-space decorating. Rolling 
tures a breathtaking example of “judge’s large alder wood rolling barn doors. doors accommodate the hallway size; the 

paneling.” It was built in situ by Jason Stepping down into this space, you notice use of oversize lighting adds drama to the 
drolet and Pete hooven. The first flight that the separation of the floor levels and space. Three large windows look out onto 

leads to a charming landing with a view foyer are just enough to provide a sense union Avenue, and remote-controlled 
of union Avenue, where the arched win-
of privacy. This suite features something
window shades from the Shutter, blind &

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